Z Cars Update From Chris Allanson
Posted 14 November 2015 - 08:09 AM
I've had a few issues but if you talk to Chris like you would want to be spoken to then he'll be a massive help.
He put his personal mobile up , I think that shows he wants to help us !!! Z cars needs to keep going otherwise the value of our cars will plummet !!!
I know there's big sums of money involved in some cases but Chris can't do a great deal about that
Posted 14 November 2015 - 08:10 AM
Posted 14 November 2015 - 12:13 PM
I ordered the kit to you, and you were signing the emails.
It would have been nice if you informed your customers about the change in ownership, especially if it happened in 2013.
I appreciate your help now that the company has gone bust, but you can't say its not your responsibility.
Posted 14 November 2015 - 08:59 PM
You are assuming that I was answering your e mails because they were signed at the bottom by "chris"
Z cars performance office staff at that time consisted of Simon ,Steve , ant and chris THOMAS
Chris Thomas was a member of staff until about March time this year. He was the main person who answered sales enquiries on a day to day basis
The generic e mail of sales@z cars was answered by several of the staff who would sign off with their Christian names
I have not answered e mails for several years
On the odd occasion where I was asked a specific technical question I would start my reply by saying my full name and surname
During the period of 2011 to 2014 I was working all over the uk erecting and taking down wind monitoring masts for my other business
I was regularly setting off at four in the morning driving nine hours to Aberdeen for example and then erecting a mast that day, over the next few days myself and my team of staff would erect four more masts then drive home.
We were covering fifty thousand miles a year and working at least sixty hours a week and often more when the weather was good
My right hand man in that business Aaron was doing all the paperwork and we literally ran the business from our vehicle as we drove around
Running Z Cars used to take me around sixty hours a week when I was doing it
Weekends were very busy with me going into the garage at 0800 and not stopping all day, often doing ten or more demo drives and dealing with multiple customers both on a Saturday and a Sunday
There are plenty of you guys out there on the forum that will have witnessed this first hand if you have been for a demo a few yrs ago
I physically couldn't run z cars and do this very demanding job hence Simon taking it on and starting Z Cars Performance.
I know I'm a superstar but even I can't do two jobs
By the way your parcel is here packed and ready to go
They found a rear valance for you as well
I know Steve was sending e mails to you about it but he is no longer here to deal with the courier
I'm away myself several days this week
Contact me on my mobile if you can't get through to Steve or Simon and I will let you know which days it can be picked up
It's quite big about 1.5 m x 500mm x 500 mm.
Posted 15 November 2015 - 11:39 PM
Was going to email this personally to Chris but don't have his email(!)
This is nothing but good news for you and for Zcars. You now have a terrific opportunity you didn't have before to clean house and run it the way you should be running it. Liquidations are a common scenario to come back much better than ever, just as you say with Aston. And Bentley.
All your adventures are standard for business owners as I'm sure you know. I'd like to see anybody else here give as much to the mini community as you have, while at the same time trying to stay in the black, keep food on the table and manage and pay employees. Unlike anybody else here you've done all this, been through all the pain of seeing your business mismanaged, and as a result you know exactly what to do and where to take it now.
On top of all the hell you've been through you have the character to come here and make frank admissions to the mini world that few others would have the stones to do.
I've been a future Zcars customer for a few years now, but recently I had to lose a startup company myself - and it takes years off your life as you know. I'm inspired by your coming over here to Santa Rosa and all you did to get that off the ground. Have memorized every Crossedthread Youtube and am dying to unpack that crate.
I want a Monte Carlo for TSD events here, and don't want to have to worry about crashing as the Bad Obsession guys would, for instance. Until I can be a customer of yours all I can do is work on possible liveries in Illustrator...
Edited by Air2air, 15 November 2015 - 11:43 PM.
Posted 16 November 2015 - 02:02 AM
Nice Illustrations of past liveries.
Posted 16 November 2015 - 08:03 PM
Thanks for that
It was 2010 when I was last in Santa Rosa
Happy times with Brian's v tec car and nicer weather than here at present
Maybe sometime I will get back over there again
Posted 16 November 2015 - 08:06 PM
Mall guy or is that the biggest rabbit in the world !!!
Posted 16 November 2015 - 08:25 PM
Air to air
Thanks for that
It was 2010 when I was last in Santa Rosa
Happy times with Brian's v tec car and nicer weather than here at present
Maybe sometime I will get back over there again
Chris the comebacks are always the best - Because you know exactly what to do, are not weighted by debt, have everything you need to start freshly without any burdens from the past. I understand Brian's in the Army, if you need it I look forward to helping you in the US at some point. And the rabbit's a Flemish Giant, 28lbs. Hey, it gets women...
Edited by Air2air, 16 November 2015 - 08:27 PM.
Posted 16 November 2015 - 11:01 PM
I hadn't heard from him for a while has he still got the mini then?
What are you feeding that rabbit on , it's a monster
Ours over here are about two pounds wet through
Posted 17 November 2015 - 01:44 PM
I wish you all the best in re-arranging things and hope to see Z Cars come back to how things were and with you back at the helm I can't see why it won't . hopefully those with axes to grind will give you the opportunity to make good on the issues as you always have in the past.
If there is anything I can do to help then please do ask - just drop me a message and we can go from there.
Posted 17 November 2015 - 08:57 PM
Posted 17 November 2015 - 09:45 PM
Posted 19 November 2015 - 06:53 PM
Posted 19 November 2015 - 09:32 PM
Good luck in sorting things out Chris 👊
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