Z Cars Update From Chris Allanson
Posted 11 November 2015 - 06:48 PM
I was so busy I couldn't run Z Cars any more and handed the business over to my partner at the time Simon smith
He had worked with me for a number of years and I felt I could give him the opportunity to further himself and he wanted to take it on.
He started a new company called z cars performance engineering in January 2013 and resigned from the z cars original company.
As some of you know I live on the site and owned the premises Simon became my tenant and in effect rented the buildings jigs moulds website etc from me.
You will be aware that a couple of weeks ago he put z cars performance engineering into liquidation.
This has been a very difficult time for me, I've been aware of problems over the last couple of years and have had to watch as the level of service has fallen short of what I'd expect and used to provide.
I am still very passionate about the Z Cars brand having lived and breathed it for many years nurturing it from the very beginning into what was a good product and brand.
I am in negotiations with several interested parties for the original Z Cars to come back.
I am able to do this because I own all the intellectual property rights to the kits and parts I own all the jigs and tools and therefore it is quite an attractive proposition for someone to take it on and build it back up to where it should be.
My wind mast monitoring business has now quietened down and I have more time on my hands
I've spoken to a number of customers lately and there seems to be a demand for it to continue.
Some of you may remember that Aston Martin went bust not that long ago and look at them now.
I have been frustrated recently because I couldn't sort Z Cars performance out as I wasn't involved.
The fact that it has now closed gas opened up the opportunity for me to get involved again and that's what I'm currently working on.
Please be patient I'm looking to do the best deal for all our old customers and future customers too.
It's not about the money I'm determined that Z Cars reputation is restored and the brand lives on so I shall be picking the best partner possible to work with in the future
I shall know more in three or four weeks time
The doors are locked at Z Cars performance and they are not answering the phone
They are not allowed to trade under the terms of the liquidation
The broadband line has been cut off.
Once I know what's going on I will make a further announcement
Chris allanson
If you want a chat my mobile no is 07786707734
Call me anytime
Posted 11 November 2015 - 07:53 PM
Posted 11 November 2015 - 07:54 PM
Hope everything sorts itself out
Would love a Z cars Mini one day
Posted 11 November 2015 - 08:44 PM
Thanks for your very honest answer to the Zcar's mystery, I am sure everyone on this forum wishes you the best of luck in sorting out a new business partner to bring back the good name of the company.
Posted 11 November 2015 - 08:49 PM
Even though it wasn't my company that went under I've taken it quite hard personally as I still have a lot of my life invested in the whole extreme mini scene.
The kits were good but I'd like to put some new ideas into them and upgrade them, it's four years since I was involved heavily in them on a day to day basis.
Things out in the industry have changed and I feel actually instead of a negative this could be turned into a positive thing.
An injection of new ideas and staff will make us back at the top again.
I haven't changed, well apart from more grey hair and a bit bigger a waistline and I still get a big buzz out of building cars and racing, inventing new things and tweeting stuff to get the best out of it.
I count myself lucky to have made a lot of friends in the mini scene and look forwards to renewing my acquaintance with them soon
Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:26 PM
Although I dont have a kit/or a z-car, Im curious. And may help other folk.
What happens to parts which were made by the now deceased company under the Z-Cars name?
And see you said you have all the rights for the kits, so do you have the rights to the newer kits? such as the volvo? (I believe thats less than 4 years?)
Just wondering, all the best however!
Posted 11 November 2015 - 09:52 PM
Simon who took it on is a decent bloke and a good engineer but as far as business goes it's not his forte
The nature of z cars demands a high amount of input on sales and customer care.
When I was in charge I spent untold hours answering e mails and the phone at all times of day and night, I was the pivot point that everything went through and as such had to juggle the finances sales and customer after care plus the staff.
I can tell you it's a full on role and very demanding
We didn't get it all right then but I always did my best and tried to be straight and honest with the customers.
When I left and did the wind monitoring business I threw myself into that and it was a huge success mainly due to the lessons I learnt in Z Cars.
By the same token I learnt a lot from the mast business which can now be used to help Z Cars.
I've been looking at the SVA element of the kits
The front uprights
Engine packages which are brand new and fully up to current emissions
Finance packages for the purchase of the cars
There is a lot of hard work ahead and it's still not a done deal but if I can do it I will
It's encouraging that the comments are positive on here so far
My old mum used to have a saying which I've found to be quite often true
" it will all work out in the end no matter how bad it seems sometimes"
Posted 11 November 2015 - 10:02 PM
I am owed 2500k from you and i think your reputation is beyond repair and when you spoke to my dad on the phone you tried to bully him into removing the court papers so you are no better at dealing with people than the old team
Why have you not amonced who the liquidators are to contact about getting my money or parts back
And when you look into your past you and your parnter have changed hands more times than i care to mention all seam abit convenient to me
Posted 11 November 2015 - 11:17 PM
This is all brilliant that you think it can be turned into a posotive but what about all the people you ow money
I am owed 2500k from you and i think your reputation is beyond repair and when you spoke to my dad on the phone you tried to bully him into removing the court papers so you are no better at dealing with people than the old team
Why have you not amonced who the liquidators are to contact about getting my money or parts back
And when you look into your past you and your parnter have changed hands more times than i care to mention all seam abit convenient to me
Read what has been written. Nothing to do with Chris. Not his business.
Posted 11 November 2015 - 11:29 PM
Read what has been written. Nothing to do with Chris. Not his business.This is all brilliant that you think it can be turned into a posotive but what about all the people you ow money
I am owed 2500k from you and i think your reputation is beyond repair and when you spoke to my dad on the phone you tried to bully him into removing the court papers so you are no better at dealing with people than the old team
Why have you not amonced who the liquidators are to contact about getting my money or parts back
And when you look into your past you and your parnter have changed hands more times than i care to mention all seam abit convenient to me
You re read it you moron he owns the business and his buddy rent is of him and he owns the premasise its on and its his home on the line as its on the site of z cars. so achly i thing it does have. somethig to do with him
How about i take 15k of your money and mess you about and see how you feel and im not the only one so keep your clever comments to your self
And how come if its got nothing to do with him he is dealing with it.
If you read it he clearly he says he OWNS Z CARS AND ALL THE TOOLING so tell me it has nothing to do with him
When i collected my kit he was walking through the work shop
Posted 11 November 2015 - 11:37 PM
Hang, let's just try and be civil, I know it's always difficult when money is involved but I think Chris deserves a right of reply.
No need for name calling and the such like, let's just discuss and debate like adults.
Posted 12 November 2015 - 01:19 AM
Posted 12 November 2015 - 06:49 AM
Posted 12 November 2015 - 07:07 AM
What if a list were started to show the level of interest would be in a (new Z cars) rising from the ashes of the old business? What about a list of people (no names for legal reasons) that have a grievance with the old company that have been over charged, poor workmanship, poor customer services, not received goods in a timely manner, had to start court proceedings to re-coup their money back from a company that HAD a so called good reputation ?
Posted 12 November 2015 - 08:47 AM
Chris, keeping Zcars alive is good news.
I have championed your product for years now as I still believe that the product is great but I've had many many people messaging me moaning about their negative customer service experience and I cant lie, at times I was pulling my hair out with delays and lack of responses to emails, way back when I bought my kit 08/09.
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