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Mill Road Garage, Isle Of Wight. Classic Car Restoration Services

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#376 Ben_O


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Posted 21 April 2020 - 11:33 AM

I've been doing some more fitting up of the Neon including installing the fuel tank and bleeding the brakes as well as fitting the rebuilt carb and its now running sweet.


Glass in












And then back to the rest of the panels.


Last time, I was working on this door




After removing the paint and doing a few minor repairs, its ready for primer




The other door was in a worse state. It's had a lower skin replacement at some point and it must have got a bit hot so it's quite wobbly. I ran a sanding block over it to show




The condition isn't too bad so I gave it a skim up to even things out




And once sanded is ready for primer also




And then onto the bootlid. I've just started this so there is no after pic yet






#377 Ben_O


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Posted 21 April 2020 - 12:01 PM

And after a tidy up



#378 kit352


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Posted 21 April 2020 - 12:17 PM

I should have left the sparco seats in it for you. They look much better than the worn out stockers.

The car looks great. I can't wait to see it when its completed.

#379 Ben_O


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Posted 21 April 2020 - 01:05 PM


#380 Ben_O


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Posted 21 April 2020 - 04:43 PM







They can be refitted tomorrow.



#381 Ben_O


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Posted 22 April 2020 - 08:32 PM

I reunited the neon with its doors and bootlid this morning and then refitted all of the removed parts to them.










I have had to order a replacement choke cable as the current one was frayed on the end and I couldn't get it back in. I trimmed off the damaged end but then it was just too short.

so for now I have had to leave the dash parts out until it arrives and is fitted.

that's as much as I can do for now so I decided to turf everything out of the workshop and have a big clear out.

I took some pics of the neon in the other workshop.








I also need to get a bonnet for it too as we are going for a new genuine one over the existing magnum rubbish.



#382 Ben_O


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 05:37 PM

Took the chance to have a clear out today so have a picture of the 4 mini's currently in all together!



Edited by Ben_O, 23 April 2020 - 05:37 PM.

#383 Vinay-RS


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 06:04 PM

Ben, is the GT under the car cover? 

#384 Ben_O


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 06:29 PM

Ben, is the GT under the car cover? 

Yes it is.

The light blue mpi has a cover too but I had just given it a rinse off and it was still trying when I took the picture.

won't be long and all 3 will be sitting under covers waiting for collection 

#385 JXC Mini GT


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 06:37 PM

Hi Ben, hope you are well, will you get an opportunity to carry out some work on your Pink Mini during the current situation.

#386 Vinay-RS


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 06:41 PM


Ben, is the GT under the car cover? 

Yes it is.

The light blue mpi has a cover too but I had just given it a rinse off and it was still trying when I took the picture.

won't be long and all 3 will be sitting under covers waiting for collection 


Will the Neon be getting new wheels? It looked like it had two steelies and two of the gold mags. What would it have had when it came out of the factory. 

#387 Ben_O


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 06:48 PM

Hi Ben, hope you are well, will you get an opportunity to carry out some work on your Pink Mini during the current situation.

Hi John. I'm well thanks and hope you are too.

I would love to get some work done on the link mini but as I can't get the prebooked mini's over for work, I'm going to be taking in an mg tc to keep things going until lockdown is lifted.






Ben, is the GT under the car cover? 

Yes it is.

The light blue mpi has a cover too but I had just given it a rinse off and it was still trying when I took the picture.

won't be long and all 3 will be sitting under covers waiting for collection 


Will the Neon be getting new wheels? It looked like it had two steelies and two of the gold mags. What would it have had when it came out of the factory. 


The neon is going to be having the existing wheels refurbished by the sounds of it and be finished in a different colour.

it had one steel wheel on it the other day as the alloy wheel from that corner had gone flat whilst it was removed from the car for some reason.

originally the car would have had 12"steel wheels and mayfair style full size hub caps.



Edited by Ben_O, 23 April 2020 - 06:49 PM.

#388 kit352


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 08:07 PM

Ben is correct, i will be refinishing the wheels at some point when i get the car back. The gold on them now was just a quick spray to check to see if i liked the colour combo. At this point i think they should go either darker or more towards copper but i really dont know. Once i get it home and install a set of hi/lo in the rear i will play around with photoshop to get a better colour. I like the gold contrast but with the fresh paint it may not be the right fit. Of course i was thinking of adding in some gold strips or accents to tie it all in but idk.
I also need to rethink my choice of grill. The one on it was a random ebay purchase and while i like the idea of lights in the grill that one doesnt look right. I hate the chrome stocker though so its still better than that. I also want to cover all the chrome trim on it as well now. Probably a lot of carbon fibre in that cars future.

Thats weird about the tire going flat. I must have picked up a nail on the tripover to drop it off.

Edited by kit352, 23 April 2020 - 08:11 PM.

#389 Ben_O


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Posted 23 April 2020 - 08:42 PM

I did pump the tyre up off of the car yesterday and it held air overnight so I refitted it to the car this afternoon so we shall see if it stays up. 

I couldn't see anything stuck in the tyre anywhere so we will have to see how it goes.




#390 Ben_O


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Posted 13 June 2020 - 11:39 PM

Hi everyone.

long time no post!

due to the current situation and with nobody being able to drop off or pick up cars to or from the isle of wight with ease, things have been switched around as I have had to prioritise any jobs that have been arranged on cars that are on the island.


Work has recommenced on the neon now and I have managed to get a new bonnet finally. Had to get it from rimmers as none of the usual stockists had one.


Here it is trial fitted.



The fit is great and so much better than the previous magnum panel.


After removing the trim lip from the front at the request of the owner, I prepped it up as well as the wing mirrors




And then painted them




Before refitting




This car is now close to completion.


For those following the 1275gt project, that has been delayed due to a bad bearing in the new gearbox which shredded and contaminated the engine with swarf...

Bill Richards racing is on the case for us and is stripping and rebuilding the whole lot with the support of Minispares which is great.


I have had a very rusty Honda civic coupe in my workshop for the past year which you may have spied on some previous pictures of other jobs.

that was waiting around whilst the owner saved up for the work.

It's now done and gone.

Ended up rebuilding the inner and outer sills, inner and outer arches and boot floor as well as repairing rust on the roof, sunroof and other areas.

After that, I repainted both quarters, the rear bumper, the roof and the sill covers which finally completed that job.




This showed up 2 weeks ago for appraisal.




It's pretty bad and needs a lot of work but I love it.

been off the road since 07 and it's not done it much good.

preliminary conversations with the customer is positive so it could well be showing up as a rebuild thread on here if all goes well.


There are a few others In the pipeline too.


Not sure if anyone is interested but I'll be doing a partial resto on an MGB starting Monday. 

I might post up here some of the work as it progresses.


All the best everyone


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