Mill Road Garage, Isle Of Wight. Classic Car Restoration Services
Posted 11 March 2020 - 01:47 PM
Did you ever sort out the bonnet fitment we had talked about?
Posted 11 March 2020 - 02:24 PM
Looking good Ben.
Did you ever sort out the bonnet fitment we had talked about?
I had been waiting for an e mail back from you regarding the bonnet but I'm guessing now you may not have received it?
I need to email you on another matter so I'll include these details in that later.
Posted 11 March 2020 - 02:31 PM
Posted 11 March 2020 - 04:41 PM
I'm pretty much ready for primer now
I applied some filler around the n/s/r lamp as it was a bit mishapen and already had been filled. This will level everything off
Just need to prep the front and rear valances, rub down the spot of filler on the back and it can be masked up for primer.
Plan is to prime it in the morning, prep the removed panels whilst the primer cures and then swap them round and prime the panels in the afternoon.
It should be painted next week!
Posted 12 March 2020 - 03:56 PM
Prep complete so into the booth for a mask up
And out
Posted 12 March 2020 - 04:23 PM
Posted 12 March 2020 - 04:57 PM
I agree!
Needs a set of hi-los on it ideal
Posted 13 March 2020 - 03:20 PM
I have spent most of the day flatting the primer ready for paint.
And then of course, sealed up the wing to scuttle joins
Posted 17 March 2020 - 04:15 PM
I've been busy with prep work to get the Neon ready for paint. Lots of sealing up etc.
In between that, I have been getting the panels ready to paint also starting with this door which was the worst..
I attempted to sand the paint but its all chewy and kept clogging up the sanding discs. It doesn't appear to have been activated correctly.
I ended up using some synstrip to remove the layers of paint and primer which revealed the original paint
And then after a sand, we have something that we can work with
This is the paint I removed with the synstrip
I applied some topcoat to the inside repair areas to finish those off
And painted the sunroof frame satin black as it was previously body colour
Then I masked up and painted the roof
Its nice to see some clean smooth paint going on it at last.
The reason I painted the roof separately is so that I can concentrate on the rest of the body separately. It can get a bit tricky doing it all together especially as the car sits quite high right now making it awkward to reach the entire roof without brushing against the sides of the car.
Posted 18 March 2020 - 09:22 AM
Posted 08 April 2020 - 02:27 PM
Posted 08 April 2020 - 02:56 PM
good to see you're fighting fit again Ben ! welcome back
Posted 08 April 2020 - 03:10 PM
Cheers pat :)
Posted 08 April 2020 - 03:21 PM
Good to see you up and around again mate !
Posted 08 April 2020 - 03:23 PM
Cheers dan
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