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mini r1 full time build

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#46 koss


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Posted 13 August 2006 - 10:35 PM

Hi mark already found that out with the reverse untill i put a bigger battery on i think you can run two batterys with a huge diode separating them

Edited by koss, 02 January 2007 - 04:04 PM.

#47 markrally


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Posted 13 August 2006 - 10:55 PM

Glad you noticed it aswell!!! ;D
Im gonna have trouble as im planning to fit a heated front screen so i can run that but not the wipers and lights so it should make an interesting drive in the dark winter nights!!!!!
I have got a HID front light kit to fit aswell which should help on the current draw a little but i need to get it on the road first.
when are you planning on finishing it?
Did you buy that car off e-bay from the wirral/merseyside area? as i saw one on there a while back of a similar vintage and circumstances?


#48 Dick Dastardly

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Posted 13 August 2006 - 11:03 PM

I think I got my filler cap from Rally Designs ( but it might have been Demon Tweeks!). Just one thing though, if you're planning on putting it into the scuttle panel you may find that there's not enough clearance between your bulkhead and the neck of the the filler to allow the cap to sit flush. I only just had enough clearance but that was with a Weber carb box welded into the bulkhead.

It does make filling up really nice though without having to remove the bonnet.

#49 koss


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Posted 13 August 2006 - 11:20 PM

Heres my heaters hot and cold and my doner mini is from the northeast private sale
had my digidash running on saturday and with most of the electrics on it stayed at 13.8v Posted Image

willy thanks for that on the filler cap its going on the scuttle one way or another
looked on the net nearly all day and car builder solutions seem to be resonable going to ring them monday

thanks ianPosted ImagePosted Image

Edited by koss, 02 January 2007 - 04:08 PM.

#50 markrally


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Posted 14 August 2006 - 11:11 AM

What dashboard are you using if you are keeping the vents in use?
How are you managing to build it if you are on the net all day??? ;D


#51 koss


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Posted 14 August 2006 - 11:30 AM

What dashboard are you using if you are keeping the vents in use?
How are you managing to build it if you are on the net all day??? ;D


am at work now but sundays mostly on the net
still trying to think on the dash i was going to mount the digidash on some fabricated alloy steering colum cowlings and have a flat panel dash just sitting behind the rails maybe some cheqer plate anodised black ar something still not sure any way am going out in it shortly with the trade plates on i cant stop shacking


#52 Staytuned


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Posted 14 August 2006 - 11:34 AM

My God,

What a beauty it is.

Keep up the good work!

Can anyone tell me some things about the tubular front subframe?

How much?


#53 koss


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Posted 14 August 2006 - 11:42 AM

My God,

What a beauty it is.

Keep up the good work!

Can anyone tell me some things about the tubular front subframe?

How much?


the front sub frame is from zcars cant remember exactly how much about a grand the you need discs calipers hubs or your doner ones its neater lighter stronger not sure on the handling yet

any way going for a spin now going to the weigh brige if i never post again you now what happend

Edited by koss, 14 August 2006 - 11:46 AM.

#54 Dolts


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Posted 14 August 2006 - 02:06 PM

2hr and 20 mins later......

Everything ok Koss? ;D|

#55 jacko299


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Posted 14 August 2006 - 06:05 PM

Hi, think we will have to either get a pacet fan or see if the fan z cars sent will be able to be mounted in front of the rad as in the instructions it says it is only to be mounted behind the rad and we have the tubular frame... ;D Yes we did get the purple r1 mini off ebay, havent done to much to it yet tho, have only been able to get all the parts ready to finish it off, hopefully it will be finished within the next 2 months. Will have a look for the project thread i started a while ago and post some pictures. Thanks Jacko

#56 koss


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Posted 15 August 2006 - 04:16 AM

;D yes am ok dolts thanks

jacko i will post a pic of my fan setup later today

took the mini out today (what a day)
few minutes along the road the temperture went upto 125degrees so i had to stop and check it out, turned out to be an airlock removed the top hose on the rad and removed the air, temp is now about 105 now.
so off we go on a 30 mile trip with my mate following with a tow rope it was a mixture of paranoia nerves and humor i think i was all legal as it is still mot'd it was just the fact i had no rear windows in and smoke was now billowing out of the car (i must say sorry to the confused motorcyclist i past if the smoke got in your eyes) anyway took it up to a speed minis dont normally do, got to the weigh bridge 580 it is.
the headers have stopped smoking as much and the brakes seem to be working now after 30 miles.
the jurney back home on the back roads was fun it seemed to handle well. i arrived back home safe and well
and on inspection noticed the rear arches were scrubbing on the tyres,i had used 5 gallon of fuel to do 60 mile and the back of the car was coverd in soot think it needs a pressure reg its ment to be 41 psi on the rail and mine is about 55.

isn't it strange you always see loads of police cars on the road when your driving something differentPosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

Edited by koss, 15 August 2006 - 10:21 AM.

#57 koss


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Posted 19 August 2006 - 03:27 AM

:D Posted Image
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just a few things done over the last few days
raised the rear arches about 3" above the normal position loads of clearance now
i like the style of the sportspack arch but i wish they wouldnt put the bumper mould on them am going to cut that off somehow.
fuel pressure now at 41psi had to get an adapter made for the injector rail see pics

Edited by koss, 19 August 2006 - 03:29 AM.

#58 koss


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Posted 19 August 2006 - 08:49 AM

:D Posted Image

cris as usual on the phone

Edited by koss, 19 August 2006 - 08:53 AM.

#59 markrally


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Posted 19 August 2006 - 10:42 AM

:D Posted Image
Posted Image

just a few things done over the last few days
raised the rear arches about 3" above the normal position loads of clearance now
i like the style of the sportspack arch but i wish they wouldnt put the bumper mould on them am going to cut that off somehow.
fuel pressure now at 41psi had to get an adapter made for the injector rail see pics

How low have you set the rear suspension? Whats the measurement from the sill seam to the floor?
I have fitted sportspack arches on mine in the standard posistion at the moment but it hasnt been up the road yet!!!
Why didnt the standard fuel pressure regulator work???

Looks good though. :w00t:


#60 koss


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Posted 19 August 2006 - 11:21 AM

hi mark not at the garage today for those height details, but i can tell you i cut the one inch of the arch and fitted the sportspack kit with the template. put the wheels on and lowered the jack the tyres were @ 10mm
away from the inside of the arch. so i put the springs to highest setting and cut the inside part of the arch out.
then i had 1" gap. after my drive, when every thing settled they started to scrub. the fuel pump is of a sierra cosworth its to strong compared to the r1 pump. if you have the r1 pump you might be able to mount it on the bottom of your tank. the pump on mine was just blowing the reg wide open and there was still to much pressure on the rail
ps got some photos off zcars today and there is a horse running caled monte video might have a flutter :D Attached File  fuel_pump.jpg   496.68K   57 downloads

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