Why are straight cut gears now viewed as weaker the helical gears ?
What is the rough percentage power loss between a straight cut gear box and ahelical gear box, 10% ?
I know some of the other guys have already posted on this, but to echo some of their posts, Gear for Gear, Straight have never been considered stronger than Helicals. Sure, maybe in some sets they may have them made in better materials or different heat treatment and that may make them stronger, but taking that out of the picture (hence what I mean by saying 'Gear for Gear') Helicals are much stronger because the tooth is not only longer, but also wraps over a longer part of the circumference. Not only does the tooth wrap further around but does so from the load side (or lagging side) to the un-loaded side (or leading side). As loaded Gears rotate, there is a pressure wave within the Gear set up, on smaller Gears, like those in the Pinions of our Final Drives for example, this Pressure wave actually causes a distortion in their shape as the Loaded Gear rotates. The Leading side tries to straighten or flatten out, while the Lagging side puckers up, on very small, high loaded gears, this continuous action tries to break the teeth off from fatigue.
The Power Loss of Helicals is not readily defined as a percentage as Helix Angles, Speed and Load factors come in to play, however it's less than 1%. To show that it really is that small, have a look at our Gearboxes, All the Shaftings are on Ball Bearings and Needle Roller Bearings, to carry the loading on them at the speeds they turn at yet, the Thrusts - which are there for the side loadings - don't nearly have anywhere near the load rating as any of the Bearings in the Gearbox. Have a look at the surface area of the small Thrust on the Layshaft and also those of the Idler Gear, yet, they last well enough. To further illustrate the load capability of these Bearings, in the very early Mini 850's they only had Bronze Bushes on the 2nd and 3rd Gears and yet, with these low powered cars, they burnt them out in no time, so the change to Needle Roller Bearings here happened fairly early in Mini history.
Edited by Moke Spider, 14 July 2015 - 05:39 AM.