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Ballasted Or Non Ballasted Ignition Check

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#1 KernowCooper



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Posted 29 May 2015 - 10:22 AM

As we see so many people asking Is my car ballasted or non ballasted ignition, I put this quick guide here for reference


All cars pre-1984 with the introduction of 12" Wheels came out  were from the Factory standard 12v ignition with a White Wire to the COIL +, with one exception - Cars exported to Canada which to aid with the Cold Conditions had a ballasted system.


1.Pre-1984 Standard 12v with the exception above - White wire to coil + reading 12v+


2.After 1984 (12" Wheels) Ballasted - White/pink and a White/yellow to coil + reading 6-9v


To accurately measure the voltage at the coil + and - remove the coil - Black/white wire and put a tempory wire from the coil - to earth, the reason for this is if the Points are open the magnetic field in the coil windings collaspes and with no currnnt draw it can give a higher reading on a ballasted ststem, or you can remove the distributor cap and ensure the points are closed.

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