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Cb Radio, Who Has Them And Which One?

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#46 Scousemouse


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 09:36 AM

SWR is Standing Wave Reflection not ratio....


The cupholder things...... take a look at the picture..... its in the middle of the dashboard with a can of Pepsi stuck in it.....



Scouse, Im a Radio Amateur...... Iv an idea whats what when it comes to radio.... I dont know everything, I dont pretend to know everything, but what I do know I will defend.....


IF a radio or transceiver isn't SWR'd properly, granted - it could cause some damage but it wont exactly blow the thing up, or fry its circuits or melt things.... If it is used constantly with an unbalanced SWR it won't do that much to it..... ALL CB'rs think that if its badly SWR'd it will blow the output chip..... it wont.... but even if it does, theyre not exactly expensive to replace....


Am not arguing with you, please dont get me wrong....

I respect your opinion minifreek1,after all you are a "HAM" (i tried the course,but dropped out back in the early 70s,due to £££)unemployed.

As for the cup holder thing,I did wonder why pic is captioned "I have one of those cup holder things"(i think YOU mentioned,not Ellie, but my eyes were drawn to the placement of the CB unit .That's why I mentioned CB slidemount,

I'd put a S/MOUNT WHERE THE cd is,and put the Cd in the butty box.That way you've hidden it away and you can remove the CB when vehicles left unattended.Best CB add on ever

So no offence taken or given you guys. :D

P.S. way back when When I was on C.B. it was the illegal Am band,(underground)we used a lot of ham stuff(equipment)I even had a 5 element beam ant on the back roof of my house(the neighbours were made up listening to DX conversations around the world coming thru their TV sets.

The reason it all tailed off late 70s was the amount of "MUPPETS" (kids) getting hold of cheap AM sets,Swearing/Music swamping etc etc,then when FM became legal all hell was let loose,

Most AMers went Low/Super Low/High/Super high.but to no avail,Let's face it if you'd paid good money for a Cobra CDX multi band,and you can't get out because kids are using BURNERS to play music over the airwaves,it's time to pack in.

Question...Is AM legal now in UK ??

Edited by Scousemouse, 09 May 2016 - 10:00 AM.

#47 Artstu


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 11:08 AM


Question...Is AM legal now in UK ??



Yes AM and SSB are now legal on the original 40 channels your first AM would have been on.

#48 spiguy


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 03:19 PM

top tip CB'ers, in case you don't already know, the ash tray in the dash pad of most minis is the perfect place to hang the mic. I know it might look like it will fall off, but it doesn't. I discovered this by accident, I hung it there temporarily then proceeded to do a long run with all sorts of bumps and fast cornering etc, then noticed it was still in place!

#49 Scousemouse


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 04:53 PM

Makes you wonder how brainy Sir Alec Ignossis was,he must have foreseen CB in Mini's.

"One day in the future spiguy will need a place for his mic :shades:"  :gimme:

Edited by Scousemouse, 09 May 2016 - 04:53 PM.

#50 minifreek1


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 06:27 PM

I was on CB back in the late 70's early 80's meself.... used to use sideband - a lot - and loved having to 'clarify' someone to talk to..... LOL


27/80 FM became legal in 1980 LOL, AM has only just become legal to use, but I think SSB and USB sidebands are still illegal to use.... but not 100% on it...





by the way Scouse, the Ham test is quite easy these days to be honest, theres 3 parts to get onto the full licence now, instead of the A and B part.... Im a 2E by the way, what was the equivalent of a G6 back in the 80's/90's.....

#51 spiguy


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 09:49 PM

Makes you wonder how brainy Sir Alec Ignossis was,he must have foreseen CB in Mini's.

"One day in the future spiguy will need a place for his mic :shades:"  :gimme:

ha ha !  Yes indeed! Genius issy!

#52 Scousemouse


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Posted 09 May 2016 - 09:50 PM

I was on CB back in the late 70's early 80's meself.... used to use sideband - a lot - and loved having to 'clarify' someone to talk to..... LOL


27/80 FM became legal in 1980 LOL, AM has only just become legal to use, but I think SSB and USB sidebands are still illegal to use.... but not 100% on it...





by the way Scouse, the Ham test is quite easy these days to be honest, theres 3 parts to get onto the full licence now, instead of the A and B part.... Im a 2E by the way, what was the equivalent of a G6 back in the 80's/90's.....

You might remember Billy "EARLYBIRD" he ran a no-name club in Anfield,think all you could here around l/pool then was CQDX,CQDX.the furthest I talked to was was some guy in the Cacos Islands,that was on an in car set (granted it was in one of those "FREAKY  WEATHER" times) we had back then when skipping thru the channels to try and find a channel that was free of Italians!!

That's when I had loads of contact with the States (on the mates Superstar 2000) great rig that.

#53 minifreek1


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Posted 10 May 2016 - 07:09 AM

I don't remember the club - sorry.... I was only a kid back then, I could ask my Dad but he passed away many years ago. He was a Radio Ham G6, I inherited his equipment and had it stored for a while, then decided it was about time to start to use it....


I have a HF set connected to a half size G5RV antenna which is basically just a long wire that runs the length of my back garden. Furthest Iv spoken to someone was South Africa and I could only just receive/understand him but only because my antenna is running the wrong way along the garden. If it was across the garden I would have received him a lot better. The Italians are still the same, you can hear them on every ruddy frequency booming across everything. They're very ignorant too....


Anyhoo, don't want to spam the thread....

#54 Tim Tom

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Posted 04 June 2016 - 07:29 PM

Used to be really into my CB's back in the day, still got all my stuff just not sure if i want to risk the paint on the mini by sticking a mag mount on the roof

#55 crazicarl


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 04:10 PM

Do CB radios have built in SWR meters or is this something you need to add to them?


I'm still trying to find out what is what before committing to buy one. 

#56 Artstu


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 04:13 PM

Do CB radios have built in SWR meters or is this something you need to add to them?


I'm still trying to find out what is what before committing to buy one. 


It's usually only the more expensive SSB CB's that have a built in SWR meter. 

#57 crazicarl


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Posted 26 June 2016 - 10:09 PM

Ok, so it would be worth adding one to prevent damage then?

#58 Artstu


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Posted 27 June 2016 - 05:37 AM

Ok, so it would be worth adding one to prevent damage then?


Certainly for initial set-up the antenna needs checking and adjusting to the lowest SWR reading. I don't run with one inline all of the time, so if I did miss a fault on my antenna or coax I could potentially damage my radio. It won't prevent damage per se, it'll just show you there is a fault if you're checking the reading on the meter.

#59 ac427


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Posted 28 June 2016 - 05:33 PM

The Rotel RVC240 is the way forward for a UK rig.


I bought mine on HP from Rumbelows for £80

#60 ac427


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Posted 28 June 2016 - 05:34 PM

Anyone remember the Moonraker mag mount ?

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