Not a massive amount to report but i have been doing little bits here and there ...fitted the handbrake cable and a few other odds n sods.
Stripped the heater down,checked the matrix for leaks and replaced all the manky foam around it
forty 5 by Darren Instone, on Flickr
Thought about doing the radiator cowl aswell thats why its in the picture but i ran out of paint.
Reassembled most of the heater and gave it a sand down,primed it and painted it.
forty 6 by Darren Instone, on Flickr
Same on the footwarming vent
forty 4 by Darren Instone, on Flickr
For some reason theres 2 random holes drilled into the front panel of the heater so i decided to cover it with a bit of foam and some vinyl from some old door cards
forty 3 by Darren Instone, on Flickr
Did the same on my last mini and it worked out quite well.
I then couldn't get the knob off the front of the heater switch panel so i had to paint that bit assembled and mask off the info sticker ...haven't unmasked it yet so fingers crossed i did good enough job.
forty two by Darren Instone, on Flickr
Also tarted up the switch panel
forty one by Darren Instone, on Flickr
And painted the handbrake handle looks really good but your gonna have to take my word for it rubbish lol
forty by Darren Instone, on Flickr
Thanks for reading ...more soon