This is a typical 3in1, its a cooper S exhaust, look at the pattern, think about the firing order and work out the pulse
Thats an LCB -long centre manifold (now think about the firing order and work out the pulse)
Now this is a freeflow, what you recognise?
So, exhaust types..oh well..Its not just about terminology, its just they work different!
Didnt you know what 3-1 and LCB patterns are? Didnt you know they have a difference is pulsation, so cant classify them as the same?
Now i'm not good at writing techies, and wouldnt even know where to strat from, but KC might do, since he does this for a living. I've built my first mini engine just 7 years ago, while hes been doing this for ages.
KC is a good engineer and very ackowledgeable but when writing as a seller gets too much 'poetic licence' and tend to fall off his bicycle.
Cant barely compare this stuff with vizard, sorry mate,The part when its says LCB are all about top end does not makes sense at all, its just hype.
From an engineer who writes tech articles i'd expect something more elaborated than 'you increase the size you loose speed' or buy this because its like this other. A bunch of banalities thrown together. Why not talking about backflow and how to minimize this? Best keep it secret, who reads that articles have no idea what backflow how can it be interested in a torque gain from that.
When i see stuff like this i just quit reading and prefer spend my time reading something that i may learn from, these articles are only for addressing a potential buyer (who knows nothing about engines) to certain products and show the range they offer.
And i wouldnt like such stuff as 'tech info' to someone.
I'm sorry for KC but i address people to graham russel's blog for techies.