The worlds longest and most disastrous brake bleeding session is not yet over. When we last left the action after spilling build everywhere I'd given up due to finding a leaky union on the production break connector in the brake line down to the front subframe.
The minispares pipe which does away with this connector turned up a couple of days ago and after some quick bending slotted straight in. While I was down there I replaced the copper washers I'd bodged up last time on the three way union on the subframe and treated it to a new banjo bolt as the old one was a little corroded.

So far so good...... A bit of bleeding with my nice new eBay vacuum bleeder resulted in a firmish pedal but I wasn't 100% happy with it.
As I could heard the sounds of the kids playing hell with each other and my poor long suffering wife sticking her head into the garage to ask how long I was going to be I knocked it on the head for the day and took the youngest out to the park before blood was spilt in the house...... 
Went back into the garage this afternoon to find my quality new bleeding equipment which id left hanging from the rear subframe in 2 bits in the floor
on investigation the plastic union which attached the vacuum trigger assembly to the top of the reservoir had broken in two, the plastic had softened apparently due to contact with brake fluid! unbelievable but it does show that you get what you pay for!
In the pic below you can see the reservoir cap and the broken union.

After kicking my work bench a few times I calmed down and found a brass threaded plug in my tin of 'bits I know i'll need one day' that screwed beautifully through the cap and into the trigger assembly. It just needed a hole drilling through it for the vacuum.
Amazingly I won one of those mini unimat lathes on eBay last week and it was perfect for this job.

All screwed back together and one better than new functioning brake bleeder! 

Well i'd had a kicking, but got up fought back and emerged victorious right?............. wrong!.............
It turns out the reason for the slightly soft pedal was a weeping rear wheel cylinder which was leaking from the bleed nipple. I tweeked it up delicately using my years of professional engineering experience and stripped the thread completely

I will email Simon at minispares tomorrow to get my tmf+ discount applied and get some cylinders ordered, but right now I have a urgent appointment with some amber hops based refreshment 
Edited by carthorse, 15 April 2015 - 03:20 PM.