Looks good, just a little advice from my experience, runs are difficult to sand and polish out, but the sooner you do it the easier it is because 2k goes off really hard. If you do have to repaint any areas don't try to blend it in as it shows after polishing, so in the case of that run if you do sand through repaint back panel up to seams it's much easier and just use a grey scotchbrite pad before over coating.
I found 2k very easy to use but as it takes longer to dry the area needs to be very clean but you are doing well,
Cheers Darren. The front I had got one coat on about 3 days ago with a slight run. Manage to still rub it down and get it smooth with not cutting through to primer. It will get done over the next couple of days. I ordered a DA polisher and stuff which should be here no later than Wednesday so hopefully it's not to bad by then if in doubt I will rub it back and re coat it. Used 3 coats so enough margine for errors. It's all a learning curve and any tips are very very welcome and appreciated