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Keeping Another Mini Out Of The Scrappy

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#436 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 21 June 2016 - 08:49 PM

Don't over do it mate, I'll never catch you up

I still have doors and boot lid to prep and other bits and pieces to get into the shell yet. Defo not going to hit end of August now but at latest end of the year although the misses won't be happy lol

#437 Daz1968


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Posted 21 June 2016 - 08:53 PM

I did my mk1 in sections, mainly because I was using 2k and the compressor worked hard with airfed mask and painting, but with a solid colour on a mini with the seams to finish to it's not a bad method, it's always better to concentrate on a small area and get it right, it's a learning curve with painting but once you get the confidence things get easier. I am no expert but feel I can make a better job of my next one and now know what materials and methods work for me. Hope all goes well for you now. Am looking forward to seeing it in colour.
I learnt a lot by watching you tube videos.

#438 neon1991


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 09:01 AM

be you're glad to see blocks of colour rather than swirly patches!  great work! :)

#439 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 22 June 2016 - 02:38 PM


Yeah think my compressor is a limiting factor but doing it this way means it's easily do able. I rubbed down the issue spots today and still needs a bit more filler but the dolphin glaze will sort them out really easy. Need to just make sure all areas get coverage and it will be better. At least it's going in the right direction

Edited by James_eaton_thewholething, 22 June 2016 - 02:39 PM.

#440 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 27 June 2016 - 08:16 PM

Managed to rub the rest of the bits of dolphin glaze down so will shoot the side with a few coats of primer again tomorrow after work. Also tonight I set about re making my spot lamp brackets because I've decided to use so other spot lights my dad had lying around.


This are on my original bracket and because the bottom light is bigger it wouldn't of allowed me to fit a bumper.


This side is on the new made up bracket and as you can see the mounting plate is up a lot higher


Shot from the front to show wha the lights will be like. I prefer this to the Wipac lamps I've got plus these will be easier to re paint as the bottom ones are all plastic and just need a clean. The smaller ones just need stripping back and painting in stonechip then colour.

All for now

#441 Ben_O


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Posted 28 June 2016 - 07:15 AM

whoa, they are mahoosive

#442 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 28 June 2016 - 09:57 AM

whoa, they are mahoosive

Don't think those unlit country lanes will be a problem. The Wipac ones were good but these will be very interesting. I think it will be a matter of people thinking there is a truck coming and then be super surprised

#443 minimissions


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Posted 30 June 2016 - 05:39 AM

Looking good not long until some colour now :) nice work dude!

#444 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 03 July 2016 - 10:26 PM

Update time.

Managed to get the primer finished on the drivers side.


Just got to rub down a few bits on the front and then put seam sealer on again. Will get it primed during this week and the start on the passenger side.

On another note. I have been looking at engine stuff and deciding the direction to go in. Now I have two standard 998 heads. One I was going to modify. Been looking at different rockers and come to the conclusion that the pressed steel ones seam to come up best. So while looking for some on eBay I came across a 12g202 head for £60 which has double springs, steel rockers, all valves and collets. So won that as I was the only bidder. Went and picked it up today. I know everyone goes for the 12g295 for the all out 998 but at stupid money for heads and then the fact I'm going to still shell out for some machine work I wasn't even interested.


Needs a good clean up but is definitely nicer than the standard head on the right.


202 inlet port


Cam4810 port.

Just looking at the inlets and the chambers of the 202 head it will need far less work that a standard head will in order to improve flow. At least I've got two heads to screw up before working on the 202

All for now

#445 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 06 July 2016 - 07:15 PM

So nearly there for putting primer on the front of the car. All of the body filler is rubbed down and all the seam sealer is done. Was up till 2am this morning even though I had to be on work for 8am





Tomorrow after work I'm going to mask up the car and get a few coats of primer on

All for now

#446 GT Jimmy

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Posted 06 July 2016 - 07:25 PM

Nice one, looking good mate

#447 James_eaton_thewholething


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Posted 10 July 2016 - 12:03 AM

Update time.

Feeling better about the car now as things seem to be going right which is weird. It means I'm either getting better or just lucky lol.

So did this today (now yesterday as its 00:44)





Now from a distance it looks ok. Three annoying points happened but are easy sorted.



Two points where paint flaked off the masking and onto wet paint but easily rubber out.


The other is going to be needing to add more seam sealer of the top of each wing to front panel join. Will finish all the primer before doing that though. Will then rub blend it in as best as possible and then use a spray can of Upol high build for ease of use.

This is a day later than I wanted but that's because I had to go with the misses to buy a new car 🙄. Being a car guy and understanding what to look at meant I was the car salesmans worst night mare. He would talk to me but rather to the misses trying to chat a load of rubbish and then getting asked serious questions by me. He really didn't like me pointing out issues with the car we went to look at. ended up not buying that one and went for this instead.


Still needed a really good clean and a good polish. Ran out of time cleaning the car and it needs a good compounding. Also got a really good look at factory finishes on a modern car an will say the paint on the roof of the mini is pretty good so that's give me a boost in confidence. Monday I'm going to finish the primer in the morning and then start on body filler on the passenger side.

All for now

#448 mina08


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Posted 12 July 2016 - 07:01 AM

Looking great

#449 blueovalcraig


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Posted 12 July 2016 - 08:33 AM

Looks good. Always a huge difference after a coat or two of primer

#450 blueovalcraig


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Posted 12 July 2016 - 08:34 AM

oops double post

Edited by blueovalcraig, 12 July 2016 - 08:34 AM.

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