Keeping Another Mini Out Of The Scrappy
Posted 06 May 2016 - 03:58 PM
It also bonds very well to bare metal.
Posted 06 May 2016 - 05:12 PM
Not sure if you need to buy anymore primer but if so then consider epoxy, it is a very good product and can be overcoated with cellulose ok. It will minimise any reaction problems as it cures rather than dries so subsequent coats won't react with it. You can even apply thin coats over troubled areas and build it up in order to overcoat.
It also bonds very well to bare metal.
Was looking into epoxy primer. Where do I get it from ?
Apparently the p88 is OK to go on bare steel as long as it's scuffed with 180 minimum so was going to just do that to be honest
Posted 06 May 2016 - 05:20 PM
Posted 06 May 2016 - 05:39 PM
Epoxy is generally available as an example jawel paints stock it. P88 should be ok though if you already have it, maybe you are applying to thickly, if car is bare metal there shouldn't be anything to react with. Hope you get to bottom of it.
Just found it Jawel lol. I've got another 5 litre tin of p88. The going back to bare metal and starting again was what I was thinking. With nothing underneath except it's self to react with. I have sprayed some of the primer on bare metal and was quite difficult to chip off. On some parts I'm going to thick of a coat but that's because I'm to close to the panel and I put to much paint on flanges and in corners. I've found my paint scraper and will be going at the car tonight after work stripping some more paint off. I know it's going to take me a couple of days to do it but ah well.
When it comes to the seams on the outside of the car I don't know wether to focus some paint on them or just as I go past them ?
Does epoxy only come as 2 pack
Sorry for the questions painting is still new to me
Posted 06 May 2016 - 05:45 PM
Posted 06 May 2016 - 06:08 PM
Epoxy is 2 pack but not isocyanate so needs a good filter mask not airfed, i used hb body epoxy on my mk1 bonnet and doors and found it very good. As you already have the paint though may as well use it.
Always good to know for future. Thank you very much for the help. At least i know that when I did the roof for the second time it was good so should be ok and hopefully I don't pull too much of the body filler out as don't want to do it all lol
Posted 18 May 2016 - 06:10 PM
its been 12 days?
Posted 18 May 2016 - 06:25 PM
its been 12 days?
I'm sorry for the lack of updates..
Posted 18 May 2016 - 06:49 PM

So while stripping the paint I've gone through the whole car and looked at ways to improve some of the panels and make it easier fo re applying the filler. The bottom corner just before the rear arch kicked out and was annoying me so I straightened it out and easier to get smooth with filler.
Another thing that really was annoying me was the rear fog light surround. The problem was that I did it when the rear valance was off the car before welding it on. Now when I welded it on and put the fog light in it pointed down too much and just kept thinking it might fail it's mot for it as there is no adjustment. This in mind I cut it off and started again.

That is the original way I did it. As you can see points down too much.

The new one as it was done while on the car it now points straight out the back.
I'm now in the middle of redoing all the body filler, forgot how long it takes. Drivers side nearly done I've got till Saturday to complete it and then I'm off to lanzarote for a week with the misses. Hopefully it's dry the week I'm away as I won't get time to put the primer on before I go away. Will update very soon
Just for you mate
Edited by James_eaton_thewholething, 18 May 2016 - 06:50 PM.
Posted 19 May 2016 - 03:17 PM
wow was getting worried :)
Posted 19 May 2016 - 09:58 PM
wow was getting worried :)
No worries. I haven't given up. Things take a very long time and it's annoying. Had a look at the roof today and decided to give it another couple of coats. Once the rest of the shell is painted
Posted 21 May 2016 - 03:21 PM
All for now
Posted 09 June 2016 - 10:50 PM
Posted 14 June 2016 - 10:09 PM

So A panel and post is all that's left to run down going to get it done on Thursday. I'm then going to finish the front panels off and then move onto the passenger side. While I've had time away from the car I've also had time to think about certain things. I've decided to paint the car in stages instead of all in one go. I will prime each quarter of the car separately then rub it down as a whole and then colour the car in the same fashion. I have also decided to grey stone chip the outer sill and then just put colour over the top which is how I painted inside the engine bay and also inside the boot.
I just ordered some dolphin glaze for the minor surface imperfections instead of using the regular body filler and to fill fine pin holes in the filler.
Oh and this is the lovely scar that is left from me having the little accident with the grinder

All for now
Posted 15 June 2016 - 06:29 PM
Thank the 7 gods you are back at it
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