more detailed bits. 90% of the time I'll get a panel on, and then not finisih the last 10%, which is why I keep flitting around the car. Anyway, i've fixed the bottom flange of the inner wing:

I also stuck a few spot welds on there for good measure!
Turning to the wing/scuttle area, I got it sanded down:

Looking better. Before I started the project, this was the bit I was most worried about getting wrong, but it was fine!

Although when you look closer...

These are the small flaws I'm worried I won't be able to get rid of...

Oh and because the wing is slightly nearer the car than the a panel is, I've had to take a small section off the back of the seam strip to get it to fit close to the body on the front side
Edited by jamesquintin, 11 July 2018 - 02:45 PM.