A while ago I got a job lot of mini bits very cheap so could'nt resist. Just looked over some and I think I may have a bit of a rarity.
It is an 850 motor and with a very quick look and no measurements is as follows.
Pocketed block, AEG 515 crank, very well worked rods with solid skirt pistons and floating pin. Full strapping on mains with cap head screws. It came with a couple of 940 heads and a beautifully worked forged rocker set, have myriad carbs such as fish and webers so it looks like someone has spent a few bob on it. The guy I bought it from said he had a load more stuff he had just got 'good money' for and from his decsription it was a good bit of 'S' stuff along with a funny shell with two tanks. His good money was £200!!!!!
Is anyone familiar with this type of thing as I will probably build it up for an old mk1 I will rebuild next year. Any advice on specs compression ratios etc would be great. Thanks