Cooper Mpi Restoration - My Second Mini Project
Posted 20 August 2016 - 06:21 PM
Posted 22 September 2016 - 05:28 PM
Posted 10 October 2016 - 07:52 AM
I've just sat and red through all of your project, it's amazing how much you have done to get the r1 engine in the car, I've just started my r1 project but first is to strip to bare shell and replace all rotten bodywork. I will start a thread on my build soon with step by step photos etc. Keep up the amazing work buddy.
Thanks for the kind words! Good luck with your project and make sure you get a project thread started.
Posted 22 October 2018 - 06:03 PM
Posted 22 October 2018 - 06:33 PM
Any updates on this build?
There will be soon.
House move and new job role has pushed it back. Some big changes are coming soon. I've been working on bits and pieces and will update as soon as I can.
Posted 15 February 2019 - 02:59 PM
A very long overdue update!
A lot has changed since I last updated this project thread. I've changed job roles, moved house and got married. I am pleased to say that I still have the mini and I am more motivated than ever to get it finished.
Big changes
Probably the biggest change is ditching the home made R1 cradle in favour of Promotive kit. I haven't purchased that yet but plan to within the year whilst the shell is away being restored. I have also settled on the crazy idea of supercharging the R1 motor (more below)
Not content with installing an R1 bike engine I've decided to supercharge it! I took a ride in my friends Lotus Exige S and couldn't get enough of the supercharger so the plans got underway. I've designed my own custom engine casing that allows me to attach pulley to the crank to provide the belt drive for the supercharger. The pictures below are of my 3D printed prototype and a couple from a CNC machinist who is making the main part for me as I type.
The engine is off to be rebuilt in April including a complete strip down refurb and mild blueprinting so everything is balanced and ready for the supercharger.
Electronics overhaul
Some of you might be familiar with my custom Arduino controlled centre speedo conversion where I have replaced the standard internal with a microcontroller and stepper motor so I can hook up to the R1's digitial speed sensor. Well I am in the process of overhauling that design now I have a 3D printer and am able to create better products.
This image shows a 3D printed dial and needle. All the internals are 3D printed now and I've changed the electronics for more reliability.
I have just completed creating my own Exup eliminator for the R1 wiring loom so that fault code 17 doesn't appear and the rev gauge doesn't "dance". This has saved me about £40 and I've learnt a lot in the process.
I have also completely stripped the wiring loom removing all unnecessary parts and its converted ready to go in the mini.
Most of my progress is documented on my website here - http://retromini.co.uk
I will try and keep this thread up to date with progress pics. 2019 should be a good year for getting a lot done on the project and hopefully it will be complete within 2 years.
Edited by LukeH, 18 August 2020 - 08:14 AM.
Posted 15 February 2019 - 04:29 PM
wow what an awesome update! The shell look beautiful. Will it end up looking like a Rover cooper on 12" wheels?
I am also running a pro-motive kit. Very exciting to see a charger conversion, I believe you are the first. I'll be watching this very closely indeed.
Posted 15 February 2019 - 04:41 PM
Supercharger! So curious how you make it work... I saw a SC kit made for the R1 engine, so I have thought about it. The space between the engine and subframe is so close, I just negated the idea. The power delivery would be so good tho...way cool.
Posted 15 February 2019 - 06:15 PM
wow what an awesome update! The shell look beautiful. Will it end up looking like a Rover cooper on 12" wheels?
I am also running a pro-motive kit. Very exciting to see a charger conversion, I believe you are the first. I'll be watching this very closely indeed.
I am hoping I will be the first to SC the R1 engine in a mini. I certainly haven't found anything online suggesting it's been done before.
Edited by LukeH, 18 August 2020 - 08:14 AM.
Posted 15 February 2019 - 06:18 PM
Supercharger! So curious how you make it work... I saw a SC kit made for the R1 engine, so I have thought about it. The space between the engine and subframe is so close, I just negated the idea. The power delivery would be so good tho...way cool.
I know it's going to be a hell of job getting it all to fit. I will have to modify the subframe to accommodate and probably one of the engine mounts on the pro-mo kit. Overcoming the challenges is half the fun!
I've designed the engine casing so the pulley is as close to the engine as possible. I will have to add a scoop into the subframe so the pulley and belt has clearance. Anything is possible if you have the patience to try. Well that's my mantra anyway.
I figure the charger will add a bit more torque and I am not going crazy with boost. About 4-6psi @ 8500 RPM
Edited by LukeH, 15 February 2019 - 06:22 PM.
Posted 01 March 2019 - 08:36 AM
28/02/2019 - Update on various things
My custom designed supercharger conversion casing arrived this week. I am super happy with how it turned out and it appears to fit well which is a relief!
My new desktop cnc milling machine arrived so I have been busy building that, modifying it and testing it. I plan on making my own carbon switch panel so I practiced engraving some lcons on a scrap piece of carbon. I've infilled with white enamel to make them stand out. Very happy with the results.
Next, I am reworking some of the stuff I made a couple of years ago now that I have access to better tools and I've improved my designing ability. This 3d print allows a Smiths gauge to very easily be converted to a OLED holder without any major modifications. It's designed so the screen is held in place by the screen surround and the whole thing is held in place by two M4 bolts at the rear.
The finishing touches will be tinted glass so it looks factory built. I will post a picture once complete.
Finally, I have created a final version of my Arduino exup eliminator. I designed a circuit board and cnc machined it out then 3d printed a case so it will hopefully look discreet once installed in the car.
Posted 06 March 2019 - 03:29 PM
Quick update on the OLED gauge.
I have finished making the first one and I'm really happy with the results. It looks "factory" and functions well.
Posted 11 March 2019 - 09:54 AM
The carbon fibre sheet I ordered finally arrived so I got to work CNC machining this up. The logo's are engraved and in-layed with white enamel to make them stand out.
Posted 08 April 2019 - 12:08 PM
I still think about your build there and am keen to see it progressing. How is the shell coming along?
I was surprised to see you ditch your own cradle idea. It gave me a lot of inspiration and confidence to give my own cradle a go. If you don’t mind me asking, what was your main motivation for getting a Promotive kit? I’ve looked at their kits previously and the prices make my eyes water a bit! That said I’ve seen them at shows over the years and they certainly seem a top bit of kit.
I’ll try and check by more regularly to see how you progress.
Posted 03 May 2019 - 10:25 AM
Hello Luke.
I still think about your build there and am keen to see it progressing. How is the shell coming along?
I was surprised to see you ditch your own cradle idea. It gave me a lot of inspiration and confidence to give my own cradle a go. If you don’t mind me asking, what was your main motivation for getting a Promotive kit? I’ve looked at their kits previously and the prices make my eyes water a bit! That said I’ve seen them at shows over the years and they certainly seem a top bit of kit.
I’ll try and check by more regularly to see how you progress.
I decided to ditch my own cradle partly because I wasn't able to make it to the standard I expect for my mini. I was also encountering a few hurdles such as creating a strong and reliable chain tension system. Whilst the Pro-mo kits look expensive you get a lot for your money and it looks a well engineered piece of kit. I'll be ordering mine in a few months.
Edited by LukeH, 18 August 2020 - 08:15 AM.
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