That single carb looks a bit lost in there - do you plan to re-fit the twins?

1965 Morris Mini - From Nz To The Uk!
Posted 16 November 2021 - 08:30 PM
Posted 17 November 2021 - 01:55 PM
That single carb looks a bit lost in there - do you plan to re-fit the twins?
Yes, the plan is to re-fit the twin HS4s - a friend is currently servicing and refurbing them for me. I agree the single carb looks a bit lost in the engine bay as-is, and I can definitely feel it's restricting the top end performance of this engine quite significantly, so I absolutely still want to go down the twin carb route. I'm thinking it may be simplest to drive the car along to a rolling road specialist, get them to fit the overhauled carbs, tune to suit, then I can drive straight home again with the car running spot on and minimal faff on my end (just a bit of a hit to the wallet!).
Posted 17 November 2021 - 04:09 PM
yes, I'm thinking of taking that route once I've re-built my HS4s and put my 1293 in.
Posted 09 January 2022 - 09:52 PM
Finally, some sunlight! Started off the morning with the Mk1's first outing of 2022, parking up alongside lots of other Minis and classics at the Port Solent car meet.
Then it was back to base, with a quick photo next to its much younger sibling...
I then proceeded to spend the remaining daylight hours doing some tinkering - by the time the sun started to go down, the engine had gained an extra carb It still needs some fettling and fine tuning, but I'm pleased to have the twin HS4 setup finally fitted and looking smart!
Posted 15 January 2022 - 09:37 PM
Well I'd call that a successful mission! Spent today sorting out the choke cable to get that working properly, and it now operates the choke linkage as it should. Then performed a baseline setup on the carbs, and got them balanced and adjusted to an appropriate mixture and tickover speed at idle, so it now starts up easily and idles happily once it's warm. Before an initial road test I did some checks and noticed a fuel leak had developed on the LH carb float bowl, the needle valve seemed to be sticking open so this was quickly cured by swapping a spare into place which resolved the leak.
A quick blast up the road then proved to be very satisfying!
The acceleration, throttle response, noise, and sheer grunt from the engine is all vastly improved, more so than I was expecting. The engine has well and truly come to life now, it just goes to show the single HS4 was nowhere near enough carb for the application which was why it was always fitted as a temporary arrangement. The needles are customised for another engine so I wasn't sure how suitable they'd be for this one, but the fuelling seems to be very good with no noticeable flat spots throughout the rev range and nice behaviour under part and full throttle. No doubt I could get this optimised further with a rolling road session but, at least for now, it's driving nicely and putting a big grin on my face!
I also thought I'd give YouTube a go so I filmed a brief video of starting up the engine after all this - please excuse the waffly commentary
Posted 16 January 2022 - 07:04 PM
That sounds AWESOME!
Posted 16 January 2022 - 07:51 PM
That sounds AWESOME!
It certainly makes quite an addictive noise! My friend got a few short video clips on his phone from when we took it out for an initial test drive, which I've just managed to upload to YouTube. Combined with the straight cut drop gears, it's quite a racket
Posted 23 January 2022 - 08:54 PM

Posted 28 January 2022 - 11:24 AM
I came across an original Mk1 Morris bonnet badge on eBay the other day, and had to grab it. These original items are so much nicer than the reproduction badges, the detail is far more intricate and this particular example is in good nick with a nice patina to it. I'm very tempted to fit this and "de-Cooperise" the car's badging - not necessarily to satisfy purists, but more so to make the car a bit more of a sleeper
I've also had an engraved red on brass version of the Bodgewell rocker plate made up, surprisingly this wasn't too expensive and I'm thinking I might fit this to the boot as an external badge. Have also got a "Mini-Minor" boot script badge on the way courtesy of another eBay bargain but that's yet to arrive...
Posted 28 January 2022 - 01:57 PM
that sounds lovely, what needles are you using?
Posted 29 January 2022 - 11:22 AM
that sounds lovely, what needles are you using?
They're custom profiled needles that came with the carbs - I need to do a bit more driving under different conditions to see how well-suited they are throughout the rev range & partial vs full throttle etc. But for now they seem to be doing the trick and I didn't notice any flat spots on that test drive which my passenger filmed
Posted 06 February 2022 - 07:02 PM

Posted 14 February 2022 - 08:08 PM

Posted 15 February 2022 - 07:43 PM
I can't stop listening to that engine...
Posted 15 February 2022 - 09:22 PM
I can't stop listening to that engine...
It's an addictive noise, more so in person! Hoping to get out tomorrow evening for a proper drive and meet up with the local Midweek Minis group in Portsmouth.
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