Started putting the car back together now, bellow some of the bits I've been up too, but also taken the engine out to give it a once over, more to follow on that one.
The handbrake bracket was getting a bit bent, so straightened this up and welded the gap to give it extra strength, don't know if the gap was a design part or just how they was made and left with a gap, looks like a cost efective way of making them, but you can get heavy duty versions of these so thought this was a good way of re-using them with added strength.
Then the inside rear, painted the inner panels and riveted them in, I should have checked the fitting of them first as they was a pain to fit and ended up knocking the lip back a bit, so needed touching up, was rather anoyed, but it will be under carpet them bits anyway so didn't need to be perfect.
I've also got the windows in the doors, and fitted the stainless scrapper strips, not that pleased with the size of them. If I fit them so the stainless fits on the door nicely there is a massive gap.
But if you move it closer and cut down the stainless end and try and bend the end bit nicely, pair of pliers works best, tried hammer and gently tapping it but metal is so soft, I haven't done other side yet but I'll do better job on that one(hopefully).
But then it just moves the gap to the forward edge, but that doesn't seem as bad there because it's under the angled frame, also it isn't in the direction wind/rain will be blowing whilst driving.
Been a while since had a wind up window mini, and not something you pay attention to when at shows, so anyone know if this is a normal size gap, or minispares suplier been bit tight with the rubber seal? I know they are on the clips they only suply 4 per strip when every other place recomends 5 per strip.