Now onto the rear quater panels.
Good thing about flatting down is gives you one last chance to spot anything, which there was one litte bit which needed bit of filler and finished of with high build primer, and other bits that just needed a bit extra high build primer. I thought I'd give the bilt hamber aerosol highbild primer a go, as handy to use, takes a while to dry fully and got to make sure don't get carried away with degreaser when cleaning up or as 1k it can start to wipe it away!
Painted it up, but got some runs/sags! my excuse was using different spray gun, should have tried it out on one of doors first, so that'll be next thing be painting, but a bad workman always blames his tools
As I'm painting this in sections the one risk is getting an edge where joining the work, but I've tried to soft mask edge under the guttering and join it in the rear door corner so if do get an edge in a place won't be seen, as can be seen from the photo below there is a little edge, but door will hide this when on. The front end was simple as just paint up to the A post/panel lip, then this has a cover on it anyway.