another over priced replica.......
I don't agree. I did some work on that car and it really is a true replica of AJB44B. It is not a 'replica' in the sense that it looks like a 'works' car, it is an absolute replica of the Monte Carlo Rally winner of 1965. It is correct down to the strange wheel arch extensions, the matt black painted rocker cover, the lamp covers, even the crew names on the wings.
When I helped to build the engine, the engine spec was exactly as the original build sheet, the doors are aluminium and the aluminium boot lid was hand crafted to be exactly as the one fitted to AJB44B for that Monte.
It is a superb car and IMHO it is well worth £45000, especially when you see what 'allegedly genuine' works cars fetch.
At the end of the day its only worth what somebody is prepared to pay for it. Clearly nobody was prepared to pay £45,000 infact not even close
I thought the auctioneer didn't do the car justice in his description.
This is a specialist car which will appeal to someone who appreciates what the Mini achieved in international competition in the mid-'60's and wanys an exact replica of a Monte winner, which is exactly what this car is.
The owner was also the owner of the clipper blue 1960 850 and the 1968 Mk.2 998, both of which sold OK, although I thought the 1968 car was a bit high and the 1960 a bit low, but I guess they were bought by dealers who will mark them up.
The Monte Carlo replica would sell better at Race-Retro, Goodwood or Silverstone auctions and needs to be accurately described in the catalogue.
Some of those so-called 'works' cars which sell for 6-figures are only the cars which currently carry a 'works' number plate. There are a couple I know about which I won't talk about on here!
I think AJB4B is worth about £40,000 to the right person.