I then made a start to the driver side, same story, back to bear metal, etch prime, high build primer, swearing, dolly work etc etc
I then made a start to the 'I don't want to do it but I will have to do it eventually list' , I'm sure we all have one of them.
The lower dash rail had rotten at the door post, so out with the old in with the new,
I then had the tricky corners to recreate on the rear boot panel, you may remember me removing the whole rear boot from the lights down. I was to tight to buy the rear replacement panel and instead i pieced together the repair panels, unfortunately the corners are not included. time to get creative,
A dash of filler and no one will ever no
Then it was time for the belly of the beast, Upol gravitex is the name, some gear ! 4 bottles in total ( 4 liters)
I then followed this up with some primer
Next it was the body colour, I am using cellulose as I don't fancy killing myself or my neighbors with 2K, 2 pack or what not. I don't have an oven so water base is out too.
On went the colour
Edited by bluemini17, 22 December 2014 - 05:48 PM.