okay so the idea needs work, it doesnt necessarily have to be bang on to an F1 or any formula car for that matter, just look similar, it might never get to be road legal, if so i donnt mind, its safer for me to "hoon" about on a track than on the roads so thats cool with me.
the only reason i wanted the a series is cause its still good ol' carbs, i know there are a lot of drawbacks, but hey. its like those shoes or that shirt you wanted when you were younger, you wanted it cause you liked it, not cause it was better than others, it may have been less functional, but to you it was just awesome, its the same thing with me and the A series if you understand what i mean?
the reason i want to bother is cause im doing a diploma in motorsport at college, im a keen raccing driver, and dont feel like writing off the class project or my mini, so id rather have this as like a toy? plus its the expperience of buiilding it for me? like ie never had the money or the ability to be able to do this, and i feel like if i dont do it now ill never get round to doing itt? like when all our parents go "oh i wish i travelled the world when i was your age, i have no time or money to do it now". (awful keyboard on my lappy, keys stick so loads of repeats sorry)
all of this and the fact i want to build bespoke race cars in the future puts me in keen stead for this? so im gonna go for it haha,i appreciate your feedback though