Here's mine, they plan to sell complete with the sensor, washer and adaptor.

Posted 04 January 2015 - 11:56 AM
Stumbled across this, don't have an MPI myself but though you guys and girls would appreciate it
Interesting one that, it may have the same problem that I noticed with one of the earlier versions of my bodge, in as much as the sensor doesn't stick far enough into the oil to get a decent reading. But its nice to see a commercial version available. And they chose the sensor I used for mine too, so that's nice. :)
Posted 04 January 2015 - 01:03 PM
Stumbled across this, don't have an MPI myself but though you guys and girls would appreciate it
Interesting one that, it may have the same problem that I noticed with one of the earlier versions of my bodge, in as much as the sensor doesn't stick far enough into the oil to get a decent reading. But its nice to see a commercial version available. And they chose the sensor I used for mine too, so that's nice. :)
Yeah, it does seem SC have made the adapter nut unnecessarily deep; if they slimmed that section down by half, and also remove 1no thread on the part screwing into the block, then the tip of the sensor would be positioned more in the oil flow, as per original sensors.
Posted 05 January 2015 - 10:07 PM
Posted 28 January 2015 - 07:08 PM
I bit the bullet and bought one...
Posted 28 January 2015 - 08:49 PM
typical they made one after I made one let us know how it works mines still working well
Posted 29 January 2015 - 07:06 PM
typical they made one after I made one let us know how it works mines still working well
Yeah but look how little of the sensor is in the oil flow with that adapter...
Posted 29 January 2015 - 08:26 PM
I've put it in but not working yet...
Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:29 PM
How far did you drive because it take a while to start moving on mine about 6-10 mile depending on how heavy your foot is.
PS: your volts and oil temp are opposite way round to mine wonder which way is original or did it depend what day of the week it was at rover...
Posted 31 January 2015 - 07:33 PM
My gauge doesn't move at all with the new sensor. The old one moved a bit. Been raining all day so havn't had a look
As for the gauges, looking at this brochure, I have them the correct way:
Posted 31 January 2015 - 09:20 PM
don't think ill bother swapping the round. Have a few more pressing issues. (intermittent cut out that cannot get to the bottom of)
Shame that ones not working you could try some of the other options listed in this tread now you have the new MG sensor.
Have you tested the sensor out of the car I heated mine up with a hot air gun to make sure it worked before installing in engine, also if you earth the sensor wire the gauge will go right up so you can check gauge is working too.
Posted 02 February 2015 - 10:27 AM
Damn it!
Had a look at the wiring today, and it looks like the one of the spade connectors inside the wiring loom connector has been pushed all the way back and is no longer making contact with the sensor when connected
Does anyone know what the connector is on the loom, and if its easy to wire another one up?
Posted 16 February 2015 - 11:31 AM
Hi all,
Looks like I can't use this for my car...
Can anyone who has this working have a look inside the connector? My car seams to have only one wire going to the sensor. On the old sensor the ground is from the connector from the body of the sensor to the block.
I've been in touch with SC and they say that their wiring diagrams have 2 cables going to the sensor, whereas my Haynes manual only says one. Also the adaptor is anodised so it won't act as an earth
Maybe its because I have a very early MPI and they changed the wiring?
Posted 16 February 2015 - 10:30 PM
Can anyone who has this working have a look inside the connector?
I've been in touch with SC and they say that their wiring diagrams have 2 cables going to the sensor, whereas my Haynes manual only says one.
Rover's own electrical library shows the PLUG having two pins, but only one of them is used.
Oil temperature gauge
The oil temperature gauge receives battery voltage from fuse A4 in the
passenger compartment fuse box on a W wire providing the starter switch is in
position II. The gauge pointer will deflect dependent on the resistance between
the NU connection at the oil temperature sensor and earth representing the
temperature of the oil. The earth path to the sensor is on a B wire.
Note, the earth path is to the sensor, not through and out to another location.
Edited by L400RAS, 16 February 2015 - 10:34 PM.
Posted 17 February 2015 - 10:31 AM
I Spoke to SC and they said:
"We have sold a number of these and not had anyone describe the same thing as you..."
The adaptor is made from aluminium and is anodised so can't act as an earth. I can't be the only one that it doesn't work for?
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