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Leyland Clubman Resto

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#91 colinf1


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Posted 30 August 2014 - 08:27 AM

Started to tidy up the floor and boot areas last weekend, mainly stripping off the paint to see what rust lay beneath. Turns out it was all just surface rust and it cleaned up quiet nicely. Dropped the battery box floor out, I think Ill make a  new one up rather than clean old one. Also removed any silicone that was on the floor that held the old carpet in place. Wire wheel on grinder wasn't the best option for this, was a lot neater with the multitool and a small blade!
Today I finally decided to make a start on getting the engine out. Rather than borrowing an engine crane to get it out and borrowing it again to get it in, picked up on in super-cheap. I'm no expert on engine cranes, but this one doesn't seem half bad for the price. It went together without any left over parts too, which is always a bonus. Also picked up a engine stand, but I'll probably need to make up an adapter plate to be able to attach it to the front of the engine.
On to the engine removal, which didn't get underway until 3.30. Flicked through the Haynes manual before I started, rather than going head first and damaging something along the way.
Starter motor, alternator, distributor, carby and thermostat housing all removed and placed in a bucket of white vinegar. Also removed the engine stabilizers, disconnected the clutch slave and removed the oil filter housing.

#92 Jared Mk3

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Posted 30 August 2014 - 12:24 PM

Some great progress. With the engine out, you can do a really proper job. Looking forward to it.

#93 colinf1


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Posted 31 August 2014 - 03:04 AM

half time report. Engine is out, but went the quick and easy route by taking the subframe out too.
Plan is to now remove the engine from subframe and try to attach it to the engine stand. Came across a few issues, seems to be a chip on the gearbox shifter housing, inside of it was full of dirt and grease. Turns out there was no thermostat in the housing. Pretty glad I didnt drive it for too long when I got it first.
Cuppa tea time, then back to it!

#94 colinf1


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Posted 31 August 2014 - 06:58 AM

Full time report...what a day! Those U bolt couplers are a bit of a pain to get off! But got there in the end. Engine and subframe have been separated, engine is ready to attach to the engine stand when I make up an adapter tomorrow. Car has been pushed back in under cover with the help of my neighbor, I'll get a pallet and some castor wheels tomorrow also, then that will allow me to drop the rear subframe out and get both blasted.
Now, maybe somebody can tell me if this is ment to be like this....the front of the gear selector housing has a curve cut out on the front side of it, should it be like this? 
Extractors have a "PERRY" tag on them, any ideas if there good? 

#95 GraemeC


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Posted 31 August 2014 - 08:27 AM

Yes, the cut out should be there. This is the rubber plug:
http://www.minispare...|Back to search

#96 Jared Mk3

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Posted 31 August 2014 - 08:28 AM

I like that rocker cover. Are you going up to discs or keeping the drums? 


And yes, that's how the housing is.

#97 colinf1


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Posted 31 August 2014 - 08:52 AM

Thanks guys, that part has been added to my shopping cart on minispares. I think theres a few bits and pieces I'll be needing CV couplers etc, so another big order list to save on postage!


Keeping the drums, as I have new shoes to go in them. I have a plan for the rocker cover, but want to keep it a surprise (incase it turns out crap lol)

#98 colinf1


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Posted 05 September 2014 - 08:28 AM

Engine is on the stand!
Its sitting slightly to one side, I dont think the pipe was welded in at the correct angle.
There is just enough space on my back porch to turn the car around 360!
The only problem is the castors getting stuck in the pavers,, just needs a bit of a jolt to get it goin again. 

#99 exuptoy


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Posted 05 September 2014 - 05:34 PM

Nice job. I love clubbys!

#100 Jared Mk3

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Posted 05 September 2014 - 05:37 PM

Big step forward.

#101 colinf1


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Posted 06 September 2014 - 02:39 AM

Thanks guys...

note to self; don't pull the pin on the stand out unless someone else is there to help. Pulled the pin to see if I could rotate the engine and the pipe worked its way down a few mm so the hole didn't line up when returning it to sit horizontal. Had to shimmy it back up while holding on for dear life, eventually they lined up and pin was replaced. I've drilled the holes 14mm when they should have been 13mm (lack of 13mm drill bit)
A quick service was needed on the daily commodore, then I was onto the mini engine. Started to strip off parts and carefully keep track of the nuts and bolts as they came out, using a piece of cardboard and writing locations next to them. 
Lots and lots of silicone has been used, on the rocker cover, chest plates, around water pump....everywhere! Plan is to strip main parts off, then clean them up and paint them ready for refitting.
Bolts missing on the timing cover..
Guarantee Void If Removed tag, and stamped 10 12 below it. Head work date?? Hopefully it has been converted to unleaded..
Everything looks nice and clean internally, lets hope its the same all the way through.
I'll continue on with removing and cleaning parts, then need to have a big tidy up.

Edited by colinf1, 06 September 2014 - 02:41 AM.

#102 colinf1


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Posted 06 September 2014 - 07:49 AM

Continued to strip the engine down, got a bit stuck with the crankshaft and flywheel bolts, not having a socket big enough for either. Trip to supercheap as it was the only place opened, none there either so picked up a big shifter, worked a treat. Also got a bit of a clean up done, place is looking alot less like a bombsite now!
Looks like the sump has taken a fair few whacks in its life...
Everything bagged and tagged
And a nice clean yard...
Opened up my headgasket kit from minispares and a bunch of gaskets from minisuzi on ebay
Need to order some new oil seals, the one on the timing chain cover was liquid gasket'd in, was wonder why, then once I got it removed it became alot clearer. Somebody has hammered in along the seal to try and pry it out, and has damaged the face while doing it. 
Dont know what the plan is for tomorrow, guess I'll try to separate the transmission from the engine.

#103 colinf1


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 07:33 AM

Engine and gearbox have been separated, a fair few taps needed to split the seal and about a gallon of liquid gasket. Been cleaning it all off, takes a fair while to do. 
Disposable gloves are coming in handy, tho a bit fiddly when trying to spin bolts with your finger tips.


Came across a couple of markings inside the gearbox when I flipped it over.
Mini K 17/62
And Mini King stamped into it
All seemed pretty clean and in good condition so back on it went with new gaskets, half moon seal and O ring, and a light smear of liquid gasket.

#104 timmy850


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Posted 07 September 2014 - 09:57 PM

Looking good so far! One of your tappet adjusters looks a bit worse for wear too?

#105 colinf1


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Posted 08 September 2014 - 12:58 AM

yeah looks like the slot is a bit wonky, I'll check it when I get home later. Still filling up another order on minispares, so will add these to the order if needed.

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