Flywheel Come Loose. Crank Salvageable?
Posted 16 May 2014 - 09:26 PM
Posted 16 May 2014 - 09:58 PM
The crank has 'had it' (sorry, but no point in mincing words).
The flywheel may be ok, but needs to be thoroughly inspected before re-fitting. It's a low cost item really so take no chances. The crank did 'fret' against the crankshaft after all.
To give you and idea, I recently sold an 'as new' 1275 A+ crank for £175, so that's what you can expect for a std/std crank which requires no grinding, polishing or other work.
Good luck with this. See how much the 'culprits' will help, as they should be funding this repair.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 10:06 PM
Posted 16 May 2014 - 10:11 PM
Perhaps you do need to 'lean' on those responsible. It is so bad when people take money, cash presumably, for doing a job and then won't honour their work when it goes bad. Personally I would go see them, be very pleasant and ask them what they would like to suggest for you to do. Be pleasant but firm and let it be clear that you do expect some sort of free help from them, if it is only paying for a replacement crankshaft, which is really the least they can do.
Presumably you don't want them to touch you engine or gearbox ever again, but some financial assistance is required.
Maybe that might work here. Pity you are not nearer or I could help you to re-build it yourself. It's not difficult, more a case of confidence plus a bit of mentoring from someone who has built Mini engines before.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 10:22 PM
Posted 16 May 2014 - 10:43 PM
Peter, that's very kind. You're correct that I don't want the idiot near the car again. I've spoken with him and he's in no doubt of his obligations. Problem is he's pot less and all he can offer is his "help". I may use him to pull this lump and refit the old,then refitting this later (albeit with clutch installed). I'll explore what more he can do. Cheers.
Presumably you paid him to do the work on the engine?
I'd want that money to reappear!
Posted 16 May 2014 - 11:04 PM
Posted 16 May 2014 - 11:14 PM
The fella is in my MOC. He built the box. The engine was built by the machine shop. I timed in the cam with a mate who's a mini specialist mechanic, he then fitted it all (properly) and its then that we realised that the box had issues. The box guy then had it back to fix the box issue. The money I paid for labour for the box build is a drop in the ocean - what I want back is the cost of new crank, bearings, labour, etc. What he can't give me is compo for loss of enjoying brands, l2b etc etc. Grrr!
Absolutely right! You do seriously deserve com-pen-say-shun at a serious level of cash.
But, as always, be realistic and go for what you believe he can afford and will be willing to pay. After all, you can't get blood out of a stone, but you can get as much as the other party can afford.
It's a judgement call really. Tell him what it will be costing, ask him if he thinks you are being reasonable (always a good thing to throw in) then ask him what he proposes to do about it. If he says "I can't afford anything like that", ask him what he would expect if he had paid you to do a job and you had just cost him that amount through bad workmanship. Basically he has screwed up and he knows it, so put firm and robust pressure on without getting angry. That way you keep the moral high ground (been there, done that - many times in my working life). It is surprising what a good logical approach can achieve.
Good luck with it all.
Posted 16 May 2014 - 11:22 PM
Sad thing is the engine was starting to go very well. Based on my 100 miles the Minispares evo1 is a great cam!
Posted 16 May 2014 - 11:31 PM
He can say what he likes, but the flywheel has come loose and destroyed the crankshaft, with all that entails. So he bears responsibility as the person who fitted the flywheel.
Have you got any sort of receipt for the money paid?
Posted 16 May 2014 - 11:38 PM
Posted 16 May 2014 - 11:47 PM
I am not a lawyer, but I've been around in business for many years before retirement.
If he won't help in any realistic way, say that you'll take him to the small claims court as you have a witness to the contract you made for you to pay him a consideration in return for certain work.
This will worry him because HMRC will find out about it and one might bet he hasn't declared the cash paid to the Tax Man. Just tell him that there is no way you can or will fund the cost of his bad workmanship, but only do this as a last resort. Keep insisting that whilst you can't afford this loss, you want to reach an amicable settlement if at all possible. If you only got back £25 per month it would be better than nothing at all.
Before meeting with him have an accurate list of what it has and will be costing you. I would put £175 for the crank in 'ready to install' condition, plus bearings at £50, gasket set at £30. labour at, say, £500 to remove,strip, re-assemble and re-install. But tell him you will not allow him to touch it again ever.
There is no need to get angry with him, even if he is awkward. Just keep calm and continue to point out that he has caused the issue, not you and that all you want is to be put in the position you should be in had he not caused the damage and subsequent rectification costs. He has no defence at all.
Edited by Cooperman, 16 May 2014 - 11:52 PM.
Posted 17 May 2014 - 12:47 AM
Hmmmm,,, the irony of cheap jobs, and the irony of thinking you'll get money out of someone who doesn't have it.
Well, if you want a bodge, there is one available which comes from issues faced by early automatics that used to loosen their torque converters.
The trick was to paint the crank nose with shellac, and carefully wrap this with a turn or two of tissue paper and recoat with shellac. Allow to dry off a bit the refit the flywheel.
It's horrible, but it can work if dough is short.
Posted 17 May 2014 - 08:46 AM
The law is not an issue (I am a lawyer). The issue is the depth of his pockets and how much I'll need to turn him upside down to get money out of them. Armed with those figures I'll chat to him.
On the captains point, the job wasn't cheap. The box had all new parts and the guy came well recommended. Apparently he builds boxes all day every day.
Thanks all.
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