Posted 07 April 2014 - 08:53 PM
Posted 04 May 2014 - 08:23 AM
Posted 04 May 2014 - 05:30 PM
No, not yet, with L2B coming been concentrating on mechanical issues.
Posted 05 May 2014 - 02:19 PM
I am really interested in how the alternator preforms, I need some more amperage for my midge.
Posted 25 June 2014 - 06:04 AM
Posted 26 June 2014 - 05:32 AM
Posted 26 July 2014 - 10:51 PM
Posted 21 October 2014 - 09:13 PM
So its time for a much over due update, been busy with my new job and going back to college, so I have been short of time to write up my progress.
After much head scratching I designed a mount for the new alternator, retaining as many of the old mounting positions as possible allowing me to revert back to the old alternator without too much effort.
It was a squeeze and was a lot of trial and error until I got something that worked.
I fabricated a mount for the top of the alternator, it uses the original mounting holes and I used a few washers either side to allow adjustment to align the pulleys.
I used my new toy to check the alignment of the pulleys.
Once happy I fabricated the bottom mount and used on of the timing chain cover bolts to secure it to.
The bottom mount also supports a modified vauxhall corsa drive belt tensioner. As well as allowing the belt to be tensioned easily it also increases the wrap round on the alternator and crank pulleys to help reduce belt slip.
Here are a couple more pictures of the mounts.
To help the alternator deliver the extra power I fitted a new 0 gauge earth cable from the alternator body to the bulk head.
I fitted the new 0 gauge battery cable too, with 250a fuses at each end.
Also I gave the engine bay a bit of a spruce up, will take some more pictures. Including rewiring most of the front end electrics.
The alternator performed well but I was a bit disappointed with its voltage being only 14.1v, so I ordered a new regulator and set about modifying it to increase the voltage.
As standard the regulator is set at 14.1v but I wanted closer to 15v to get more power from my amps. So I opened up the new regulator and reversed engineered it with the help of some schematics of simular regulators.
With some trial and error i designed a circuit that would allow me to increase the voltage with a switch from inside the car. It allows the voltage to be increased to between 14.8v and 15.2v.
I built the circuit with some components I had kicking about and fitted it into the regulator. I disconnected the unused DFM wire and reused the terminal for voltage increase switch.
I made a hole for the pot screw and glued it in place.
I then filled the case with Raytech magic gel to keep the water out and stuck the cover on.
I fitted the new regulator and gave it a test, I gave 14.2v standard and when I flicked the switch the voltage increased to 15.1v so I reduced it down to 15.0v.
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