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The Mini Forum Car Insurance Scheme With Prestige Keep Moving

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#31 Tim@Prestige


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 08:35 AM

HI Steve

Yes I'm afraid we have a minimum of (now) £300 so anyone paying less than this, we won't be able to help. Sorry :(

#32 The Matt

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 09:24 AM

Tim, as a matter of interest.  Would you be able to tell me how many classic Minis are covered by Prestige currently?

#33 Tim@Prestige


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 09:42 AM

Hi Matt


I don't think there are any. Our scheme is geared towards everyday policies & therefore newer Mini's generally.


Interestingly, we promote this scheme on another Mini forum & they are one of our top forums in terms of sales.

#34 Alex_B


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 11:16 AM

HI Steve

Yes I'm afraid we have a minimum of (now) £300 so anyone paying less than this, we won't be able to help. Sorry :(

That's quite surprising! Surely you are severely limiting your market but doing it like that, I am currently 21 and paying £350 a year for my insurance. So you are limiting your sales to anyone below 21 realistically as the majority of people older than myself will be paying less than me.

#35 Carlos W

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 11:40 AM


HI Steve

Yes I'm afraid we have a minimum of (now) £300 so anyone paying less than this, we won't be able to help. Sorry :(

That's quite surprising! Surely you are severely limiting your market but doing it like that, I am currently 21 and paying £350 a year for my insurance. So you are limiting your sales to anyone below 21 realistically as the majority of people older than myself will be paying less than me.



I pay less than £300 for my 59 plate Mazda 6 2.2TD with business use, 12000 miles a year and protected no claims. The wife is on the policy too. 


I certainly hope I can insure the mini for less than that

#36 Tim@Prestige


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 11:46 AM

Yes fair point and we do understand that. Our average premium for our customers is actually over £500 as other factors can affect premiums such as postcodes, NCB, claims record, etc.

#37 Guess-Works.com


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:42 PM

£300 minimum :o

Admittedly I have a trade policy so don't insure my cars separately but I just ran my modified 1972 mini through a generic price comparison website for classic car insurance... and was pleased to find I can still insure my 90hp mini ( fully comp ) for just over £100... if I needed to.

So Tim @ Prestige I'm not quite sure who your target market is, but I would say it's not the more mature driver with a number of vehicles and good driving history, and by previous posts on this thread, neither anybody driving a modified vehicle or drivers in their teens...

At what point does this thread become spam ?

#38 Steve220


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:48 PM

Rang Chris Knott today, £170 fully comp with mods.

#39 Badboytunes


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:48 PM

I think this thread is just a free plug for the ins co. No minis and no one from here using? Why does the op post? Seems to be like flogging a dead horse ! :tumble:

#40 Harrison541


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 07:34 PM

If Cooperman doesn't qualify what chance have we got?

If a Mini actually meets all the criteria to be insured by you, then it would be far less than your £300 minimum to insure with someone else!

#41 sonikk4


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 07:44 PM

Hi Matt
I don't think there are any. Our scheme is geared towards everyday policies & therefore newer Mini's generally.
Interestingly, we promote this scheme on another Mini forum & they are one of our top forums in terms of sales.

Which other Mini forum would that then?? If you have not insured a single CLASSIC mini then it is rather pointless you advertising on here. Ideally we want insurance companies that insure our classic minis over and above mainstream cars.

#42 mini stephen

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 08:37 PM

Hi Tim I know u don't cover northern Ireland but I have never been able to find out why could you please explain y am just curious

#43 Tim@Prestige


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 09:27 AM

Hi Tim I know u don't cover northern Ireland but I have never been able to find out why could you please explain y am just curious

We did offer quotes but just weren't competitive so it was wasting people's time. I'm not really sure why other insurers don't even quote though.

#44 Tim@Prestige


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Posted 04 December 2014 - 09:32 AM

Hi Matt
I don't think there are any. Our scheme is geared towards everyday policies & therefore newer Mini's generally.
Interestingly, we promote this scheme on another Mini forum & they are one of our top forums in terms of sales.

Which other Mini forum would that then?? If you have not insured a single CLASSIC mini then it is rather pointless you advertising on here. Ideally we want insurance companies that insure our classic minis over and above mainstream cars.

Hi Sonikk


Is there no-one on this forum who has a new Mini therefore? Or an everyday car other than a Classic? If no to both then yes it's pointless us posting on here in reality. Our scheme isn't really geared towards the specific car but more for the person as it's the community we are interested in.

That's why we are on over 700 forums because we view car club members as better drivers due to historical claims loss ratio stats showing this to be the case generally :)

#45 The Matt

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 12:18 PM

There are a few users with new MINIS yes, there are also users with Renault Clios, or with Ford Fiestas, there are obviously a good amount of users with various other vehicles too (myself included in that).


But I think the point is this; TMF is a forum for Classic Minis.  The traders system that we have in place is here for people selling things FOR classic Minis, and it seems that your policies are unfortunately unsuited to pretty much every classic Mini on the forum because of the policy rules (or because of the price in some cases).  I


n much the same way as we don't allow wanted adverts for non-Mini stuff, or we don't allow ebay links to items for non-Mini stuff, I don't think we see the point in allowing insurers come on here to advertise their company when they are (due to the nature of their own policies) not really suited to insuring our member's cars. 

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