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Group Buy. Alarm, Central Locking, Electric Windows.

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#301 A-Series Spares

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Posted 14 June 2018 - 02:28 PM

They post on this forum don't they ? maybe they should put up an answer and try to save their reputation that is going down hill each day.


I have just been reading through the messages on the forum and to be honest I do not know what further to say. We put up a big post to explain everything and ask for people to reach out to us directly but sadly we do not seem able to do anything right.
We have tried to completely turn a corner with lots of new staff, The group buy dates back a long time and we have messaged, Refunded or credited everyone who has reached out to us (although we do appear to have missed you, unless details have changed?) 
I was just in the process of writing something for the forum but to be honest I am not sure we will be welcome back…. we have always have the best of intentions and would welcome anyone to come and view our premises, visit our shop and meet our staff, The internet is so easy to leave comments and I feel that people are reading back a page or two on there and completely missing the point and the intention of the group buy….
I feel at this point it might just be best to leave TMF, Each time we explain we only repeat what we have previously said ….



It seems a lot of people are having trouble with a series spares.

To be honest though, their electric window kit isn’t anything special. It’s just a universal kit but with a boss to fit the mini.
The way they’ve ‘designed’ the fitting puts the motor under a lot of stress, which you can hear while it’s operating.

I would try to get your money back from that part of the ‘kit’ and spend a little more on a properwindow kit that puts a proper mechanism in the door. (I’ve got these in stock)

Their central locking kit seems like a good idea, although I’ve not trialed it, I’m in the process of designing a similar kit but it will be much more diy friendly with decent instructions and easy to adjust.

Thank you for the feedback. 

The electric window kits offer a great upgrade to manual windows for that that want them. They work perfectly in vehicles where the windows are correctly maintained, They are not the answer for stiff windows, However at the point of installation, Correct maintenance of the current window mechanism and runners will allow for the window to operate smoothly. On the V2.0 systems the motors are very quiet and perfectly able to lower and raise the windows. We have a vehicle in at the moment where the windows have to be forced to go up and down, This needs to be remedied before installation of the windows. 


Correctly operating windows will work perfectly with our window systems and the motors will last for a very long time. 


The central locking systems are quite quality bits of kit from the smooth control cable operation to the unique "one-position" mounting plates. 

#302 A-Series Spares

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Posted 14 June 2018 - 02:28 PM

Just sent another email trying to resolve my refund, responses have dried up.

Responded within 5 minutes of receiving the email.

#303 A-Series Spares

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Posted 14 June 2018 - 02:43 PM



To anyone feeling they have been affected by this Group-Buy deal. We apologise over and over for the way this has been handled and the fact that the freebie was never received, We have explained the situation many times through the 20 pages of this thread. But lets leave that behind now... We all have places to be and we have grown as a company and learnt from our mistakes.


We have many new staff and TMF is not currently a customer service avenue that is monitored daily as the staff work through the websites, familiarise themselves with the email, live chat, Facebook, twitter, google+ phone and contact forms. As they grow into the roles we will be branching across all of the online communities that we have trader status on. We have not posted any new topics for some time and had hoped that by diverting people to our direct forms of contact that we could wrap this up and get everyone moving.

We understand that we have missed the target with this and we can only help to resolve it if we receive contact in the ways we have asked. So please lets get this resolved. It is clear from the above that we have angered the community but believe me we truly did not mean to. We have always had the best intentions at heart. We ask for anyone who has been affected by the bulk by to reach out to us at [email protected] and we will check details against orders and get this resolved once and for all.


We would like to move forward with TMF but if the community truly feels that this is not something that they wish for then we will step aside, Members of our staff will still post on the forum as they have good friends in the community but the Trader status and TMF+ discounts will be removed. Many customers currently enjoy the 20% OFF with so many customers happily ordering and receiving their goods, We really want to close this torrid chapter and move on together. So Please email us so that we can close this chapter and this thread can be locked.


For those that have met us and deal with us on a daily basis I thank you for your wonderful support and the laughs we have had together.


I look forward to hearing from you all, As I mention our current CS staff are not currently keeping a close eye on the Traders section in TMF so we do ask for anything urgent to be sent through via email. As the CS staff get more comfortable in their rolls we will be getting them involved commercially on the forums.


Many thanks

#304 Carlos W

Carlos W

    Mine is purple, but I have been told that's normal

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Posted 14 June 2018 - 06:31 PM

I think this has run its course now.

If anyone else feels their entitled to a refund please email the address above.

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