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21 page guide telling you how to prep and re-spray

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#16 nakered


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 03:38 PM

Sorry to butt in, but here is the same guide, but as a whizzy PDF file (with bookmarks etc.)

Attached File  Paint_Guide.pdf   142.25K   1297 downloads


#17 Roseanne1


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Posted 01 December 2007 - 11:07 AM

thanks for this,very useful if my husband attempts it himself, I am unsure about letting him try, so also want to know
does anyone know of a respray specialist in West Midlands area that is reasonably priced for a good paint job, on a low budget!

#18 the_ bandit

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Posted 22 April 2008 - 12:07 PM

thats it saved !!

where did these instructions come from ? is it proffesional or has someone just jotted down what u "should" do ??

Edited by the_ bandit, 22 April 2008 - 05:39 PM.

#19 Hannioli


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 06:48 AM

Ooooh! I was thinking about having a go at a diy respray at some point and this will come in mighty handy :thumbsup: Great work Shaz!

#20 cooper_shaz


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 01:46 PM

Well have been busy restoring my splitscreen camper for a while along with other minis and various cars. Not to mention family commitments. Glad to see the paint guide has been useful to so many people.

Keep up the good work folks.

I'll get some pics up of the recent work soon



#21 dutchboy


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Posted 26 November 2008 - 02:04 PM

does anyone know where the downloadable paint guide is?

#22 omni


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Posted 31 December 2008 - 01:01 PM

does anyone know where the downloadable paint guide is?

Yep it is in post 9 :-

Edited by omni, 31 December 2008 - 01:02 PM.

#23 brianmini


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Posted 24 April 2009 - 08:32 AM

Hope you quoted all your sources for your coursework.


Obviously there is more detail at the start of your coursework, so due credit.

#24 JakeG


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Posted 10 August 2009 - 05:46 PM

I cant seem to download the document?
can you upload it again?
and does it have pictures etc

p.s. thanks alot


Nevermind i didnt realise the were two pages

Edited by JakeG, 10 August 2009 - 06:08 PM.

#25 Mike92


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Posted 01 September 2009 - 10:13 AM

Great work mate, thanks a lot!

#26 the jester

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Posted 21 September 2009 - 07:07 PM

A good tool to use when initially shaping filler is a woodworking rasp....you can buy these quite cheaply and in different shapes,( flat, half round, etc) I bought mine when I was training to be a Design Technology teacher as I was into building electric guitars at the time!.....try and get the ones with the coated blades, (no rusting). I think mine came from Draper tools or Machine Mart.

#27 fullywoolly


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Posted 05 October 2009 - 01:41 AM

hey, loadsa useful info - great guide!

Probably obvious questions, but here goes...

Regarding colour coats (after all prep n priming is finished)
Q1: Should every coat sprayed leave an absolutely shiny finish, or should the first coats be a little 'dotty', ready to be joined with a glossy 'heavier' final coat?

Q2: Is it better to have 5 thin coats, or 3 thicker coats?

Cheers :) :(

#28 cooper_shaz


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Posted 08 October 2009 - 08:22 AM

hey, loadsa useful info - great guide!

Probably obvious questions, but here goes...

Regarding colour coats (after all prep n priming is finished)
Q1: Should every coat sprayed leave an absolutely shiny finish, or should the first coats be a little 'dotty', ready to be joined with a glossy 'heavier' final coat?

Q2: Is it better to have 5 thin coats, or 3 thicker coats?

Cheers ;D :(

Now that deepends on what it is your painting, i.e. a solid colour or a matallic/pearl, 2k, base coat or cellulouse.

Essentially you dont want dry spray, but you dont want the paint so wet it runs, there is a happy medium where you spry the paint and have just enough paint onthe panel to have a dull sheen, then the paint flows out and becomes a shine.

If you spraying metalic, you dont need to worry about the shine so much on the colour coat as this will come through on the lacquer.

I tend to use thin coats and then thin down the top coat and spray it so that if flows out. You will find that most people develop their own style with practice.

so, spray so that the paint flows out rather than achieving an instant shiny panel. Dont spray too lightly as your paint will look sandy rather than smooth.

Hope that helps.

#29 fullywoolly


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Posted 17 October 2009 - 02:16 AM

hey, I've not sprayed it yet due to prep needing longer than I first thought - was hoping to reply with pics! I'm using cellulose solid colour... shouldn't be too difficult, like you say its drawing the line between dots and runs, good idea with the thinner top-coat, I'll give it a go!
cheers matey :D

#30 Alex Kay

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Posted 17 November 2009 - 10:55 AM

Hi Cooper Shaz,

I'm Alex, I'm a Spray Painter Panel Beater from Australia... I take it your a spray painter by trade yeah? I was just wondering if its a slang difference between countries, but I was hoping you could clear something up....

When you guys talk about 'cellulose' paint, are you talking about 'Nitro Cellulose' paint? I'm just curious,, I've heard that you guys still use it sometimes but you haven't been able to buy it here for years... Is it still used in the UK? Or are you referring to Acrylic Lacquer?

Sorry mate,, I'll get the hang of the way you guys talk soon

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