Thanks for your efforts with this guide. I've taken the liberty of converting it to a pdf format with bookmarks, so you can navigate through it more easily. Hope that is ok?
Posted 11 May 2013 - 02:14 PM
Thanks for your efforts with this guide. I've taken the liberty of converting it to a pdf format with bookmarks, so you can navigate through it more easily. Hope that is ok?
Posted 02 February 2014 - 10:38 PM
Absolutely brilliant! Thanks a lot!
Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:04 PM
Posted 30 July 2014 - 01:55 PM
Here is the guide..
For some reason it has dissapeared from above..
Much love to you :)
Posted 13 April 2015 - 02:10 PM
Hi Shaz,
To echo others; great guide, thanks very much. I have grey primed my entire car and have a smooth finish, but as I have not done this before (and am being fairly realistic regarding my ability and on my budget etc) what type of paint do you recommend? and can you recommend any brands of paint that will give a nice metallic dark grey finish?
Edited by kmdamurphy419, 13 April 2015 - 06:36 PM.
Posted 16 October 2015 - 01:14 PM
Really useful tips thanks
Posted 15 January 2016 - 06:13 PM
Thank you for all your time in sorting out this post. It takes alot of effort and time to write such an in depth post..
It would be nice if members would actually read the whole post before asking a question which you have already taken so much of your own time to cover in this post.
Again thank you..
All the best
Edited by The Pot Wash, 15 January 2016 - 06:18 PM.
Posted 11 November 2017 - 04:40 PM
Posted 21 August 2018 - 12:17 PM
Hello. Im brand new here, so please be gentle. In honesty I only signed up because of shaz coopers most helpful post.
I've read the guide 100 times, watched countless youtube videos and read more forum posts from other inferior car's than I care to mentioned. The result, absolute confusion, so i've tried to make myself a step by step.
Can anybody tell me if I have these steps accurate? I'm determined to give this a go.
Also, I don't understand the different paint types, 2K is going to kill me so is Cellulose my only home option? On these Americanised videos they talk about epoxy primer - is this the same as etching primer? And they also talk about Urethane paint, is this the same as Cellulose?
Thanks so much in advance.
Posted 05 September 2020 - 06:02 PM
You're over complicating it mate.
Hello. Im brand new here, so please be gentle. In honesty I only signed up because of shaz coopers most helpful post.
I've read the guide 100 times, watched countless youtube videos and read more forum posts from other inferior car's than I care to mentioned. The result, absolute confusion, so i've tried to make myself a step by step.
Can anybody tell me if I have these steps accurate? I'm determined to give this a go.
Also, I don't understand the different paint types, 2K is going to kill me so is Cellulose my only home option? On these Americanised videos they talk about epoxy primer - is this the same as etching primer? And they also talk about Urethane paint, is this the same as Cellulose?
Thanks so much in advance.
1. Strip metal of paint
2. Clean metal with panel wipe/por 15 cleaner degreaser marine clean
3. Condition metal with POR 15 Metal Ready
4. Apply dusting coat of black guide coat paint
5. Block sand in crosshatch pattern with 80 grit and long board to reveal bumps-guide coat indicates low spots
6. Clean metal with panel wipe to provide clean working surface
7. Remove visible dents with hammers/dollies and apply body filler/medium stopper to low areas
8. Light coat of sanding primer applied over the filler to seal.
9. Check for imperfection or pinholes in the filler after drying.
10. Fill those will cellulose putty or stopper (Top Stop)
11. Block Sand with 80 grit in crosshatch pattern and long board
12. Panel Wipe
13. Repeat steps 4 to 12 until all sanding marks are worked out using 80, 120, 180, 220, 320
14. Apply 2 coats of non sanding metal Etching primer - horizontally then vertically for full coverage
15. Sand with 320 grit paper to key surface
16. Panel wipe
17. Apply 3 coats of working primer
18. Panel wipe
19. Apply dusting of black guide coat
20. Sand back the guide coat with 320 grit in crosshatch pattern
21. Repeat 18 to 20 with 320,400,600 grit
22. Repeat 18 to 20 with 320,400,600 grit WET SANDING
23. Panel Wipe
24. Apply 3 coats of base paint
25. Wet Sand with 600 grit and 6 inch block, cut off tops, nibs, fine debris
26. panel wipe / tack rag
27. 3 coats of lacquer leave to cure
28. Wet Sand with 1000, 1500 and then 2000 grit with 6 inch block, until matt all over
29. If cut through lacquer, ie paint on wipe, repeat lacquer stage
30. Machine polish using wool then foam pads until uber shiney
Underside / Wheel Arches etc.
1. Strip to bare metal
2. Clean metal with panel wipe/por 15 cleaner degreaser marine clean
3. Condition metal with POR 15 Metal Ready
4. Paint with POR 15 chassis protection
5. 2 coats of Etch Primer
6. Key surface with 80 grit
7. 3 coats of Working Primer
8. Stoneguard - Gravitex or Shutz
9. Paint top coat 3 coats
9. Clear Waxoyl to finish
Edited by Vanman20, 06 September 2020 - 06:31 AM.
Posted 22 March 2022 - 02:50 PM
Hi Shaz,
The guide does not seem to be available anymore, can you re-post it please?
Sorry found it above in PDF format thanks
Edited by kenyon, 22 March 2022 - 02:53 PM.
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