In the last two weeks the mini started to cut out/stall when I slowed down suddenly or stopped at a junction. It's a 1996 1.3 spi. I've trawled through some threads on here where people have had similar issues & inspected some of the components people have mentioned. e.g. splits in the vacuum pipes, sensors, inlet manifold etc. They all seem to be intact & undamaged. I've even taken it to a local garage where they plugged it in to try get some diagnostic readings. No fault codes appeared either. Two mechanics have looked at it & they're mystified as to what is causing it. They did both point out that it appears to be running a rich fuel mixture.
The symptoms are as follows:
- Engine stalls when you do a sudden stop or slowdown approaching a junction. It tends to start ok straight after.
- There now seems to be a strong smell of petrol when driving, even through the heater ducts when that's on.
- It sputters or makes a slight misfiring like sound at low revs even when you're in 4th gear driving at 30mph. I've noticed this happens more when the revs dip below 2000rpm.
- The idling is starting to fluctuate a bit & the engine has cut out a few times while idling.
The engine appears to run perfectly above 40 mph & doesn't sputter or misfire at all. It cruises very well on the motorway with no issues. Its when you drive in built up areas at low speeds when it becomes an issue. I have to constantly keep tapping the throttle pedal to keep the car from stalling when I stop. Any ideas what this could be & which component(s) I can look at to try solve this problem?
Edited by katsuro, 20 December 2013 - 05:08 PM.