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Rubber Bumper Mgb

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#1 1984mini25


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 06:23 PM

Been getting a bit bored of minis recently. So I’ve found a rubber bumpered mgb to mess about with, that a mate of mine who I’ve do a few cars for now has recently just bought via the local paper, with tax and mot for £1500.


On the face of it doesn’t look too bad. It originally used to be yellow before it was re-sprayed black, which looks to have been done well, but there are a few scabby arrears starting to appear. After prodding just about every scabby looking bit with a screwdriver, the only rust to needing attention is the both rear sections of the outer sills/quarter panels, with repair panels being ordered.


Plans so far are to remove the heavy, ugly rubber bumpers, weld in and fit new indicators (which is what I’ve done for today), weld in conversion pieces under the rear lights, replace the front springs and fit lowering blocks to the rear and fit a Sebring rear bumper before being sent off to be re-sprayed.


So first job of the day was to remove the ugly rubber bumpers that weigh a ton, although in removing the front also removes the indicators.




So on with welding in the pre-bought indicator conversation pieces, but like most things they didn’t match the shape of the wings.




But with a bit of cutting, hammering and re welding they were eventually persuaded to fit and welded.





The next job was to then make the larger cut outs and various mounting holes for the new indicator units and try them for fit.





And a quick try of the smooth replacement front valance, witch may or may not be replaced with a Sebring version to match the rear. Before giving the new welded sections a quick skim of filler and calling a day before getting too cold.




So the plan for tomorrow is to weld on the conversation pieces below the rear lights and finish the filler work on the front and hopefully see what else arrives in the post.









#2 chipster196


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 10:08 PM

just fyi, your indicators are the wrong way round, indicators to the inside sidelights to the outside, i restore mg's for a living at MG MECCA in norfolk, any questions just pm me :) 



#3 1984mini25


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 10:14 PM

Its funny you should mention witch way round the indicators/sidelights should be, as looking at various pics on goggle and the various forums etc. most seam to fit them whichever way round they prefer.

#4 chipster196


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Posted 02 December 2013 - 10:40 PM

the correct way is indicators are inside, thats the factory way, we get a bo11ocking at work for fitting them the other way as you get marked down at concours events

#5 1984mini25


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 06:18 PM

In fairness I don't think this will ever be entered into any concourse events and instead be mostly used as a weekend/summer toy.

#6 1984mini25


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Posted 03 December 2013 - 06:39 PM

Well the plan for today was to fit and weld these under the rear lights...




But like most plans there was one small problem, I’d run out of welding wire and the new lot hadn’t arrived. hopefully it should arrive tomorrow.


So instead I fitted the rear lowering kit while waiting for some filler on the front wings to go off.




Witch proved simple enough and just leaves replacing the front springs to match.


Then it was onto sanding the filler I'd been waiting to go off.






And after a quick temporary rattle can.





Luckily by then a parts order of the Sebring front and rear bumpers and quarter panel repair sections arrived. Both of witch appear to need a quite a bit of trimming and in the case of the front (still no grill though) some spacers to get them to fit to a decent standard. But with a bit of careful cutting the rear at least fits fairly decent ish,




Witch just leaves working out the mountings and adding fiberglass/filler to build it up to match in a few places.





Edited by 1984mini25, 11 August 2014 - 12:08 PM.

#7 1984mini25


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 05:31 PM

Another days worth of work, bumper all trimmed up and mounted. The plain bolts will later be replaced with dome headed stainless steel allen bolts and the conversion pieces under the rear lights have also been welded, ready for a skim of filler.












And a quick test fit with the rear lights.





With the rear pretty much done apart from filler and priming with can wait till the rest of the body is prepped for its respray. It was time to sort of the front ride height to match that of the rear I lowered yesterday. unfortunately even after unbolting all the necessary bits and letting the suspension drop, the spring still wouldn't come out, so out came the grinder and one pair of cut springs later.






And the nice new shiny, shorter replacements fitted.






And the new lowered front ride height.





Tomorrows jobs will be to cut and replace these 2 panels.




And to tackle fitting the front valance, although I'm still waiting on the grill to arrive.









Edited by 1984mini25, 05 December 2013 - 11:04 PM.

#8 Klevdo2202


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 09:01 PM

This is looking good! If I didnt find the MG Midget when I did, I'd have a B by now...

#9 OfMini&Men


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 09:05 PM

This needs V8 power ;] MG B's became cool when they got v8's!


Nice car though!!

#10 1984mini25


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Posted 04 December 2013 - 10:09 PM

Its probably a good job this one isn't a v8 as its replaced a slightly tuned, but standard looking Renault Clio Williams, that in his own words was far too light and far too quick to be safe.


But then saying that he's already being eyeing up something 80's, German and 4wd...

#11 OfMini&Men


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 09:27 AM

Its probably a good job this one isn't a v8 as its replaced a slightly tuned, but standard looking Renault Clio Williams, that in his own words was far too light and far too quick to be safe.


But then saying that he's already being eyeing up something 80's, German and 4wd...


Audi's Rally winning monster ;]

#12 jonbott


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 12:41 PM

nice I used to really be into MGs had a few Bs and a few midgets too,I rememeber when they were really cheap!

#13 1984mini25


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Posted 05 December 2013 - 06:43 PM

Well I didn't get close to fitting the front valance today, as I ran into a few issues with the rear quarter repairs.


I started off with the less rusty looking side first, witch after attacking with the grinder appeared to be 1/4" thick in filler. At some point someone's has fitted new rear quarter panels and then been skimmed in filler for whatever reason.






Rather than wasting time removing all the filler, The rotten section was cut out and luckily the metal behind just needed a wire brush and paint.




And the repair panel trimmed and welded ready for a skim of filler, just not over the top of rust this time.




With one side done it was now onto the other side that apparently has also had a replacement sill fitted recently.




Only for once the outer panel was chopped off to reveal this.






So it looks like I need to fabricate a few repair sections before the new panel goes back on. But what gets me is someone has obviously used a full length outer sill panel that is covered by the front wing and rear quarter, but only chopped out and replaced the exposed section under the door

Edited by 1984mini25, 19 June 2014 - 03:31 PM.

#14 1984mini25


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Posted 06 December 2013 - 06:38 PM

last lot of work for the week.


Chopped out back to clean metal and made up a new section and welded it in.




Cleaned up and reused the end section from the old repair.




New outer sill section fabricated and welded and given a quick lick of paint.






And finally the new outer quarter panel repair section trimmed and welded.







And that's pretty much me done apart from some body filler and sanding, witch will wait until the new grill finally arrives and I can fit the front valance at the same time.

#15 freshairmini


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Posted 09 December 2013 - 02:45 PM

Awesome, Love MG B's

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