I decided it was finally time to get the rear radius arms rebushed. The LH side has had a little bit of play for a while, and I'm due for a new set of tyres soon and prior to that I'd like to install my KAD rear camber/toe brackets to get the new tyres wearing correctly.
I'd previously worked out that I could remove the rear radius arms without removing the shocks (as I didn't want to have to remove the fuel tanks at this point in time) so this was the plan:
Remove radius arms
Get arms rebushed
Assemble using the KAD camber toe brackets
Get a 4 wheel alignment
Get some new tyres
Day 1 - I started on the LH side. Drums came off next, hub grease caps, hubs, brake backing plate, Hilo and cone, handbrake cables.

As this was the first time I'd attempted to remove any rear arms it took a while to work out the order (and attempt to work around things like the fuel pump which was in the way of the inner radius arm nut). Unfortunately one of the bolts into the subframe broke on the way out, but at least the pin was confirmed to be quite worn and pitted.

The bush inside the arm was also scored and worn

There were some good things, like how nice the subframe looked in a few spots like behind the cone.

Day 2 - After the struggle of the LH side I thought that the RH side would be a little easier as I'd worked out the disassembly order. I spent a long time trying to undo the inner radius arm nut as it was obscured by the brake line from the limiting valve to the RH softline. I ended up having to remove the short line to get access (after spending too much time trying to do it the "easy way"). Cleaning up the dirt in the wheel tub revealed the original red painted sound deadening, which was nice to see.

Day 3 - I cleaned up the arms as they had 60 years of solidified grease and dirt. I found some paint splotches on the bottom, which might be factory marks? The LH arm had a grey/orange colour and the RH arm had blue.

The RH arm was actually in decent condition considering I think it's the original. The rubber seals were also still soft and stretchy

Day 4 - At this point I'd come to terms with the fact I'd have to drop the subframe to repair the broken bolt. I removed the exhaust, fuel pump, brake line to the limiter valve. I started to wind the 4 front mount bolts in and out to try and make sure they weren't seized. Both long top bolts came out and looked really good. Both lower ones didn't come out as they started to get very tight. I did about an hour of winding them in and out while adding penetrating oil before I managed to get them all loose. The lower ones got wire brushed so they'd go in and out easily

Day 5 - I was expecting to come in, undo the 8 subframe bolts and lower it down.

I went to undo these rear bolts and realised that I couldn't access the bolts from the boot as the tanks were still installed. This was the one job I was trying to avoid

The flip top fuel caps I'd installed a few years ago were preventing me from taking the tanks out. I wasn't going to keep them long term as they leaked worse than the factory caps and they were starting to corrode. They were a firm press fit with a hammer so weren't going to come off easily.

I came up with a 2 jaw puller, a big tapping die and a washer

They ended up coming off smoothly with the puller. I will be going back to a normal screw on cap

Next up I removed the tanks. I had about 3/4 full in each tank, so I removed the RH tank and capped the hoses and removed it with all the fuel in it. The LH tank has the drain valve which pokes through the boot floor, so I drained it first and removed it too.

After an hour or so of petrol fumes and frustration I undid the 8 subframe bolts with little fuss and dropped down the subframe. It all looked fine with no surprises under the floor or on the subframe. Once slightly strange thing was one part of the floor was rubbing on the subframe

I took the subframe over to Justin and he was able to weld a nut onto the broken bolt and remove it!

Kev has also finished rebushing the arms

So where I'm up to now:
I'm considering getting the subframe sandblasted and painting it
The underside of the boot is covered in decades of dirt and grease, so I'm considering stripping it all back and seam sealing and undercoating.
The drums need a coat of paint
The rear brake lines need to be cleaned and may need to be replaced