Their web site has prices, the old one with PDF files had a PDF price list with all the part numbers separate from the exploded diagram PDFs. They now have exploded diagrams where you point to the part number, click an option and it shows you the price.I also dont like the fact that their website/catalogue contains no prices!
Sowee Opps
Your are right my other half has since found the price list on the site

Incidentally i returned to somerford today,he must of been having a bad day that day because the same guy was soo pleasant and helpful today.
i feel a little guilty slating them but they do say first impressions count and i guess my first impression did:(
They have excelled today though maybe its because we turned up in boris today whereas last time we were enquiring about prices because we were thinking of getting a mini last time we were there?
Anyways a bigg thumbs up to sommerford mini now;)