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Front Idden Speaker

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#1 stbande


    Just On Tickover

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Posted 17 November 2013 - 05:35 PM

Hi everybody,

once upon a time I had both rear (165mm) and front (130mm) speakers fitted. The front ones were in the front corner of the door but they were a pain in the ass when turning the window winders...

then I convert it into a rally and ginkana car and I just left the rear speacker for transfers. I also get rid of the HU and I put in place a multimedial amplifier with two jack input (one for mp3 player other for phone or nav).

Next step was to put again some front speaker in a place where can be easily removed and don't mess with other things and keep the "clean" rally image. No top quality nor much power but more music against all noises...

So I managed to build 2 wood box and place them on the floor between the seat and the door facing up. This can be done only because of rally seat and no carpet. I guess the space with standard seat is too small (for sure with big later leather seat as in my wife B.O.) Here some pics.



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