Howdy all, I assumed that this were the right place to put this thread, if not then feel free to move it.
So I'm having my Mini sprayed Tweed grey with a white roof soon so now is probably the best time to do this modification, I'm interested in having MK1 rear lights but I'm not sure if they'll go for with the rest of the Mini as I'm having group 5 race arches from Minisport and I'm hoping to have a smooth boot lid.
So this is how my mini would hopefully look with just my standard rear lights (ignore the boot lid)
And this is a quick photoshop that Chris 1992 did for me
So it would look something like that with the Dzus clips on the bootlid as well. I'm just not sure if its worth converting to MK1 rear lights if they end up being drowned out by the arches and boot if that makes sense, would really love to hear your opinions and criticisms.
Thanks a lot, sam
(Sorry for the huge photo's)