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Random Thought Of The Day

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#1456 M J W J


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 07:01 PM

Genuine random thought that just occurred  to me following on from the above conversation.


Obviously the admin can change people's titles etc but can they change someone's gender on their profile? I'm guessing someone, somewhere on some forum has had to ask admin to change that at some point.

#1457 mini93


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 08:40 PM

You can change gender on here yourself... I just went to look and about to click female, thought better of it, I clearly already have too much attention I could deal with being internet famous!

#1458 Spud_133


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 08:45 PM

Why heat magazine?

The old advert,

#1459 M J W J


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 10:30 PM

You can change gender on here yourself... I just went to look and about to click female, thought better of it, I clearly already have too much attention I could deal with being internet famous!


Didn't know that but then I have never had a need to change mine.


I almost thought one of the admin might have changed mine for a laugh.

#1460 Kieranlee999


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 10:43 PM







How come Lyndsey, when you post a status you get about 30 replies in a day even if its not mini related (zombies and feeling ill at work come to mind)
When I post something mini related (joke about guide coat/dirt) I get nothing.
Does TMF not like me or something?

I have no answer to this... Other than the lady bits but theyre getting blamed for a lot right now, so i dont feel its fair to blame them again.
If you want I can replace my profile picture with a selfie in a low cut top as an experiment and see what happens.
To be honest my profile picture is years old so could probably do with updating.
In my defence here, my top isn't low cut.

I wouldn't say it is either but if I wear one then it may take some of the attention away from you.



I can't really see how a profile pic of a pair of man boobs in a low cut to would equal more topic posts.



Because boobs are the only reason people would talk to me, isnt it? or am i missing the point here...


Easier not to post me thinks haha.


nope got it in one

#1461 lyndseyp27


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Posted 13 November 2014 - 10:59 PM

How come Lyndsey, when you post a status you get about 30 replies in a day even if its not mini related (zombies and feeling ill at work come to mind)
When I post something mini related (joke about guide coat/dirt) I get nothing.
Does TMF not like me or something?

I have no answer to this... Other than the lady bits but theyre getting blamed for a lot right now, so i dont feel its fair to blame them again.
If you want I can replace my profile picture with a selfie in a low cut top as an experiment and see what happens.
To be honest my profile picture is years old so could probably do with updating.
In my defence here, my top isn't low cut.

I wouldn't say it is either but if I wear one then it may take some of the attention away from you.
I can't really see how a profile pic of a pair of man boobs in a low cut to would equal more topic posts.
Because boobs are the only reason people would talk to me, isnt it? or am i missing the point here...
Easier not to post me thinks haha.
nope got it in one

Knew it. Best money I ever spent.

#1462 1984mini25


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 03:21 PM

Genuine random thought that just occurred  to me following on from the above conversation.


Obviously the admin can change people's titles etc but can they change someone's gender on their profile? I'm guessing someone, somewhere on some forum has had to ask admin to change that at some point.



You can change gender on here yourself... I just went to look and about to click female, thought better of it, I clearly already have too much attention I could deal with being internet famous!



*tucks man parts between legs*  And in my best little Britain impression "i'm a lady".

#1463 Ben_O


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 07:14 PM


Genuine random thought that just occurred  to me following on from the above conversation.


Obviously the admin can change people's titles etc but can they change someone's gender on their profile? I'm guessing someone, somewhere on some forum has had to ask admin to change that at some point.



You can change gender on here yourself... I just went to look and about to click female, thought better of it, I clearly already have too much attention I could deal with being internet famous!



*tucks man parts between legs*  And in my best little Britain impression "i'm a lady".


I just thought of that wierdo in silence of the lambs  :X

#1464 dprac1ng


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Posted 14 November 2014 - 10:23 PM

This thread is getting weirder and weirder...

#1465 M J W J


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Posted 16 November 2014 - 12:54 PM

This thread is getting weirder and weirder...


We should all come up with a unit for weirdness.


I could be useful when introducing someone to someone else. You could say something like "have you met Dave. He's about 52 Megaquargos" and therefore people would know whether or not it is a bad idea to start a conversation that involved star wars.


I took a weirdness test and apparently I am borderline. I own 2 minis and fly RC planes on the weekends. Yeah... Sounds about right.



#1466 dprac1ng


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Posted 17 November 2014 - 05:08 AM

I came out as Bonkers... Hmmmm yeah nah that sounds about right.

#1467 Miniminx71


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Posted 18 November 2014 - 11:58 PM



I can't believe the amount of people that would ignore a 'road closed' sign .. O_O

#1468 Ben_O


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Posted 19 November 2014 - 08:39 AM



I can't believe the amount of people that would ignore a 'road closed' sign .. O_O

It all comes back to the whole 'i can get through there, what they on about.........................oops' attitude

#1469 dprac1ng


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 02:38 AM

I've had an idea. I'm sure it's been done before. A BMW mini, and a K-series. The older BMW minis were actually designed by rover, and were originally designed to take a K-series.

#1470 Spud_133


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Posted 20 November 2014 - 06:09 PM

Why would you take a backwards step >_<

Does anyone read road signs, and know how to use lanes on the road correctly?

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