Spud_133, on 04 Oct 2014 - 4:47 PM, said:Am I the only one who often has to correct people from saying stupid things, and sometimes just things which are wrong, like last night, me and my girlfriend were following a focus RS, and I said that I liked them, however she said her friend had one in bright orange, and I had to stop myself saying it isn't an RS then, it's only an St, but I stopped
Sometimes you can't help it. I've got a friend who always says "pacific" instead of "specific". It drives me mad and I tell her every time. She gets really annoyed and says "does it actually matter??". I think it does because it's just WRONG!. Correcting someone on a car though when they wouldn't know (or care) about the difference. Does it really matter?? You tend to end up with lots of eye rolling in reply
and I think you were right to stop yourself there.
Me and my mate can't even talk without everyone in the room getting up and walking out... Usually it revolves around how one of the school bus driver's should not have passed his test etc etc. Mostly car stuff or engineering stuff. Anyone know what we are doing wrong?