At some point in my life I want to do the 24hour Lemons race in the states just so I can paint up a car to look like a blue shell from Mario Kart.

Random Thought Of The Day
Posted 20 August 2014 - 06:44 PM
Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:16 AM
At some point in my life I want to do the 24hour Lemons race in the states just so I can paint up a car to look like a blue shell from Mario Kart.
Watched the roadkill episode?
Posted 21 August 2014 - 10:23 AM
And I live between 2 towns, Warwick and Leamington.
Warwick is full of foregners, mostly because the castle and all the things they like to see. But there's litterally NOTHING in the town to go for anyway, except a couple of banks, bars and coffee shops.
Leamington has a fair amount of shops, but if I go to town I only ever bother going to like 1 or 2 shops such as GAME ect and I usually have my headphones in anyway (plus I hate slow walkers so im that guy who rushes about)
I never go clothes shopping though, I much prefer a good band t-shirt or skateboarding/snowboarding make, non of which you can get locally... so Internet shopping it is!
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:26 PM
At some point in my life I want to do the 24hour Lemons race in the states just so I can paint up a car to look like a blue shell from Mario Kart.
Watched the roadkill episode?
Yes I have. They didn't get far.
As I sit here wait for the bus I realise that everyone who uses them are people who are under 17, old people or chavs who can't afford cars.
Normal people learn to drive and use a car. I can't believe the cost either. £6.20 to do a 22 mile round trip.
God dam I hate mot's.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:26 PM
Why is it when you open a packet of ham, it usually smells like a massive fart but the meat doesn't actually smell?
Posted 21 August 2014 - 12:44 PM
Why is it when you open a packet of ham, it usually smells like a massive fart but the meat doesn't actually smell?
Economy Chicken Roll is worse
Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:01 PM
Why is it when you open a packet of ham, it usually smells like a massive fart but the meat doesn't actually smell?
Economy Chicken Roll is worse
Oh man. I don't like the sound of that at all. The smell is probably because the chicken's arse is actually in it.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:26 PM
robbed from the web - but soooo true
A fine is a tax for doing wrong ...
A tax is a fine for doing well.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:33 PM
Why is it when you open a packet of ham, it usually smells like a massive fart but the meat doesn't actually smell?
Economy Chicken Roll is worse
Oh man. I don't like the sound of that at all. The smell is probably because the chicken's arse is actually in it.
Put's you right off don't it.
I bought it once and would never buy it again. It actually tastes fine but i would hesitate to recommend it.
Posted 21 August 2014 - 01:39 PM
Just switched on the TV and Judge Rinder is on!
What a load of old tripe....
Mind you, it is hilarious when people interrupt him and he just goes de, de, de, de, de, de, de
What a *******
Posted 22 August 2014 - 04:19 PM
How do blind people know where to feel for the sign in braille?
Posted 22 August 2014 - 05:36 PM
How do blind people know where to feel for the sign in braille?
How do they know where the headphone jack is on the cash machines?
Posted 22 August 2014 - 08:07 PM
Why does Dave advertise women's sanitary products in the middle of top gear or traffic cops which are primarily watched by men?
Why do you always get adverts for constipation tablets right when you are eating?
Why do you get advertisements for constipation tablets at all? Its not like someone suddenly sees the advert and thinks, "you know what. I might get constipated and try them".
Posted 22 August 2014 - 08:39 PM
Why do you get advertisements for constipation tablets at all? Its not like someone suddenly sees the advert and thinks, "you know what. I might get constipated and try them".
HAHAHA. I literally lol'd
Think is, they are advertising the brand, but the product.
You are supposed to view it and say, ' i often have constipation but my current brand just isn't cutting the mustard, I shall give these a try'
Who decided to call the feminine itch relief cream 'Vagisil'? It not really a discrete name now, is it.
Imagine asking for that at the pharmacy counter.
I suppose my random thought of the day is, why do alot of men find it extremely embarrassing buying sanitry products for their other halves?
It's not as if the checkout operator is going to think 'is this guy buying these for himself?' or what does he want these for?
Silly really.. i have no problem doing it.
(EDIT, I suppose they would be handy in the event of a nose bleed so they could be bought quite legitimately by bachelors!)
Edited by Ben_O, 22 August 2014 - 08:43 PM.
Posted 22 August 2014 - 10:01 PM
I suppose my random thought of the day is, why do alot of men find it extremely embarrassing buying sanitry products for their other halves?
It's not as if the checkout operator is going to think 'is this guy buying these for himself?' or what does he want these for?
Silly really.. i have no problem doing it.
(EDIT, I suppose they would be handy in the event of a nose bleed so they could be bought quite legitimately by bachelors!)
Oh you are so naive if you think this.
There is a product called tenna lady for men.
I used to work in wilkinsons and as toiletries was the biggest section it was always the last to be finished. Whenever I finished on the section I was working (usually DIY, Pets or Cleaners) I used to have to go and help. At least once a week I put tenna lady for men out on the shelves yet I never saw anyone go through the checkout with them.
I have ended up in A and E with a bleeding nose and they do take a tampon, cut it in halve and stick the halves up your nostrils.
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