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#1036 xrocketengineer


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 02:08 PM


'scuse me mate, hold this down for me while i wash my hands'

For some reason that reminded me of this:


#1037 M J W J


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Posted 10 August 2014 - 07:28 PM

I can't believe the back to the future trilogy is almost 30 years old.


As the jokes all say. Scientists. You have 1 year. I want my hover board, flying car and cyborg friends.

#1038 M J W J


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 03:48 PM

How come light bulbs in horror films never work properly. They always flicker?

#1039 Miniminx71


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 05:50 PM

And they never use low energy ones that come on reaaaally slowly ...

#1040 M J W J


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 08:41 PM

Its just occurred to me the real reason why I wash up right after a meal.


Its not so I have a plate/bowl/cup/etc to each with/ drink from but rather just to avoid my mum yelling at me.


If I wasn't going to get yelled at I would leave the washing up until a more convenient point or I needed the item.

#1041 Ben_O


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 10:13 PM

Its just occurred to me the real reason why I wash up right after a meal.


Its not so I have a plate/bowl/cup/etc to each with/ drink from but rather just to avoid my mum yelling at me.


If I wasn't going to get yelled at I would leave the washing up until a more convenient point or I needed the item.

And that's why student digs have piles of plates and stuff piled up in and around the sink with week old spaghetti Bolognaise  stuck solid on everything! 


My mum had a lodger once and he used to use her crockery and take his dinner upstairs to his room to eat and she used to have to go in there every few days and bring almost her entire crockery set down and wash it up.


When she kicked him out (for smoking in there even after tons of warnings) she cleared out the mess he left behind and found old takeaway wrappings with mouldy leftovers in stuffed in the back of the wardrobe along with dirty glasses, cutlery  etc.



#1042 M J W J


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 11:29 PM

I don't leave stuff lying around for days but if I don't wash up within about 30 minutes of finishing eating my mum has a go at me.


I don't see the point in either having to boil the kettle or waste a bowl full of hot water just to wash a plate and a mug after lunch. Why not leave it until the evening once you have another plate and a few pots and pans and just do everything in one go. It saves a lot of water and some fairy liquid.


I have to make sure any mugs I use in the evening are washed up before I go to bed. Why can't I leave them until the next day and do them with the breakfast stuff?


My mum always leaves stuff in the bowl in the sink. Why? This really annoys me as I have to remove everything first before I can wash up.

#1043 Ben_O


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Posted 11 August 2014 - 11:45 PM

I don't leave stuff lying around for days but if I don't wash up within about 30 minutes of finishing eating my mum has a go at me.


I don't see the point in either having to boil the kettle or waste a bowl full of hot water just to wash a plate and a mug after lunch. Why not leave it until the evening once you have another plate and a few pots and pans and just do everything in one go. It saves a lot of water and some fairy liquid.


I have to make sure any mugs I use in the evening are washed up before I go to bed. Why can't I leave them until the next day and do them with the breakfast stuff?


My mum always leaves stuff in the bowl in the sink. Why? This really annoys me as I have to remove everything first before I can wash up.

I hear this!


We are staying with my Mum at the moment while the builders are in and she is very particular about this sort of thing only she doesn't order me to do it.


I will have a cuppa and leave the mug on the coaster on the table and as soon as i have finished the tea, she gets up and walks over, sighs, picks up the mug and takes it to the kitchen! What the hell?


Also like your Mum, she cooks a dinner and then piles up all of the pots, pans, oven trays, utensils into the bowl where you then have to take it all back out again.


At home, we cook a meal together, and then stack the saucepans inside each other and leave on the hob. All the utensils go in one of the oven trays beside the pots and pans on the hob leaving the sink clear to start the washing up after eating. 


Then we run a boiling hot bowl of water and wash the glasses and mugs first and then move onto less greasy stuff leaving the very dirty stuff until last. even so, we always use a dish brush to get the worst off before it goes anywhere near the washing up water.


Mum, on the other hand thinks nothing of putting everything in together resulting in washing a glass for instance in water that has bits of veg floating in it. yuk!


Rant over!

#1044 Mini Mad Drakeley

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Posted 12 August 2014 - 07:16 AM

in the future i wonder if scientists could isolate the gene that gives a narwhal the massive horn on its head and splice it into a horse and make a unicorn

#1045 M J W J


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 09:20 AM

in the future i wonder if scientists could isolate the gene that gives a narwhal the massive horn on its head and splice it into a horse and make a unicorn


They could probably do it now but its a question of funding/ ethics.


It kind of reminds me of the joke: What do you get if you cross a dog with an octopus?


Answer: Well as I learnt last week a stern letter from the research ethics committee and my funding cut.

#1046 dprac1ng


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 10:56 AM

I don't leave stuff lying around for days but if I don't wash up within about 30 minutes of finishing eating my mum has a go at me.


I don't see the point in either having to boil the kettle or waste a bowl full of hot water just to wash a plate and a mug after lunch. Why not leave it until the evening once you have another plate and a few pots and pans and just do everything in one go. It saves a lot of water and some fairy liquid.


I have to make sure any mugs I use in the evening are washed up before I go to bed. Why can't I leave them until the next day and do them with the breakfast stuff?


My mum always leaves stuff in the bowl in the sink. Why? This really annoys me as I have to remove everything first before I can wash up.


Haha you guys in the UK have washing up bowls lol. It's honestly pointless as far as I can see. Whats the point in a big sink, probably stainless, if you wash up in a plastic bowl anyway? Much simpler to just run the SINK full of water, and then wash up in that instead. stops the washing-up bowl from getting in the way, and you can get more in. And yes I do know what your talking about. I'm the only kiwi in a family of Brits lol.

#1047 Stiggytoo


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 11:40 AM

This is another mother thing. They usually don't want to scratch their shiny sink, so in goes the tacky plastic bowl which is far too small.

#1048 Miniminx71


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:02 PM

Dishwashers - they're not just for cleaning engine parts you know :D

#1049 Ben_O


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 12:33 PM

Thing is, if you run a sink full of water, what do you do when you need to run something down the drain halfway through or something is particularly dirty and needs brushing off under the tap?

That's why i use a bowl!


I would love to have a dishwasher but at home, there is only two of us, making it pointless having one. plus we are tight for space.

Edited by Ben_O, 12 August 2014 - 12:33 PM.

#1050 M J W J


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Posted 12 August 2014 - 01:02 PM

Thing is, if you run a sink full of water, what do you do when you need to run something down the drain halfway through or something is particularly dirty and needs brushing off under the tap?

That's why i use a bowl!


I would love to have a dishwasher but at home, there is only two of us, making it pointless having one. plus we are tight for space.


I was just about to say this. 


With a bowl you can rinse off most of the gravy first at the side of the bowl and then wash it in the bowl meaning you don't have to keep changing the water.


Do they have gravy in Australia and New Zealand?


I once had to try and explain gravy and soup to a Chinese person. "Its this sort of brown goo that you put on your food..." At least soup was a little easier to explain.

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