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#826 Ben_O


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 08:29 AM

Thats the same for me. As a PANEL BEATER i repair body work on cars and light commercials.


Yet it doesn't stop family and friends when they get a mechanical problem turning to me and saying 'you're a mechanic aren't you?'


and the thing is, they don't make the mistake once either. It happens all the time.


I know about mechanics and am quite competent with repairs and replacing/renewing parts but i can't usually fault find on a broken down car for instance as i don't really know what i am doing.


I also find it surprising how many people have no idea what a panel beater is.  O_O

#827 Gerbil367


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 09:33 AM

Why do the IT and phone systems at my work always throw a complete wobbly on a Friday??  Apart from the fact that the person who normally looks after this crap doesnt work Fridays and it gets left for me to figure out what the heck is wrong, usually ending with me saying 'why you all standing looking at me expecting a quick fix, Im an IT biff!'.  That and the phone call from our other site, 'the power has gone off here' - 'has everything gone off?' - 'erm, No' - 'Check the fusebox for a tripped switch?' - 'oh, thats it thanks!' DOH!!!!  FRIDAYS!!!!

#828 M J W J


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 12:29 PM

Why do the IT and phone systems at my work always throw a complete wobbly on a Friday??  Apart from the fact that the person who normally looks after this crap doesnt work Fridays and it gets left for me to figure out what the heck is wrong, usually ending with me saying 'why you all standing looking at me expecting a quick fix, Im an IT biff!'.  That and the phone call from our other site, 'the power has gone off here' - 'has everything gone off?' - 'erm, No' - 'Check the fusebox for a tripped switch?' - 'oh, thats it thanks!' DOH!!!!  FRIDAYS!!!!


Something I was working on yesterday (electronic wise) wasn't working. One of the IT guys made the joke "have you tried turning it off and on again?" to which I said "yes, I tried resetting the processor".


He seamed a little surprised by this and then there was a pause while he tried to think of something clever to say.


What I usually here is, your an engineer, you must know how to fix a computer.


One I keep hearing from a friend of mine who is electrical engineer is "electronics are easy". Yes they probably are to him but when I start to explain about kinematics, CAD design, manufacturing methods, solids of mechanics, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics he looks really lost and doesn't know what I am on about.

#829 Gerbil367


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 01:03 PM

Doh!!! I'm Homer in disguise!  And I dont mean the Greek one!

#830 xrocketengineer


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 03:07 PM

Why do people ask me to sort out electronics for them? I AM A MECHANICAL ENGINEER!!! I don't do electronics. That's what an electrical or electronic engineer is for. When stuff goes wrong and I don't know how to fix it don't be surprised.


Why do people when they come for CAD training where I work insist of moving the monitors and changing the position of the seats and backrest? You are only going to be there fore 4 days tops. I have come into work this morning and found the chair at the computer where I work to be at the wrong height, the arm rests have been changed, the back rest has been leaned back, the monitor has been lower and the angle. I have had to spend 15 minuets sorting this lot all out.


I can live with people changing the height of the chair as that is easy enough to put back but the back rest, arm rests and monitor and are bit of a pain to get right again.


Tea break over. Back to work.

When I started working on the space shuttle mechanisms with no experience, fresh out of mechanical engineering school, my boss gave me the electrical wiring diagram for the orbiter landing gear extension system.  He told me to study it and to explain it to him in two weeks.  Good thing he forgot about it. Because it took me like three months.  However, it was a great learning experience having to have to meet and talk to many people in the electrical, mechanical, pyrotechnics and hydraulic fields. I had to learn about standards, symbols, logic and specifications. It was a good thing that I did like what I learned because not long after I was assigned the rest of the electromechanical devices on the orbiter, like payload bay doors, external tank umbilical doors, vent doors, air data probe deployment, star tracker doors and so on. So, I eventually was involved in the checkout software development for these mechanisms, their testing, troubleshooting and repair. Still, the majority of the work was electrical for which I became "infamous" since a lot of the older mechanical guys I worked with and had worked on the Apollo program thought that anything electrical belonged to the "sparkies". Interestingly enough, only the discrete systems that went "on-off or open-closed" were entrusted to us. Analogue or variable subsystems like anti skid brakes, nose wheel steering, remote manipulator arm and so on were the responsibilities of the "sparkies". But still, the work was very challenging and interesting.

About the CAD. We did do some "Cardboard Aided Design" just to figure out how some of our mechanisms kinematics actually worked since they were so complicated.  Eventually, we would have our Summer interns make some two dimensional models out of plexiglass to demonstrate their operation. It was so funny that one of the original orbiter designers from California was offering his personal  credit card to buy one of the models because they were using a cardboard model still. Yes, computer models would have been fantastic but they did not exist back in those days. It amazes me how all was designed with hand made (huge) drawings and hand calculations and it all worked.         

Edited by xrocketengineer, 04 July 2014 - 05:38 PM.

#831 Miniminx71


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 03:36 PM

I wish I had a job that started with "when I started working on the space shuttle mechanisms .." I'd fall asleep describing mine.

#832 Ben_O


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:28 PM

What is wrong with white van man?


Saw a double glazing van parked in the high street in a disabled bay. I stood in a queue at the cash point watching the traffic warden write out a ticket.


White van man comes over and disputes the ticket and shouts abuse at the traffic warden claiming he only pulled in for a minute.


He seemed really surprised to hear that it's not allowed.

#833 M J W J


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 05:43 PM



I do not wish to work with electronics which is why I choose to become a mechanical engineer.


I understand that there are times when I may be required to do small amounts. I have no issue reading a schematic and building something to someone elses drawing but designing, building and writing C coding for micro processor controlled motor drives from scratch is way out of my depth.


My problem at work at the minuet is that I have managed to prove my concept using off the shelf bits and pieces and a design I found off the internet however there are a few small issues and I have no clue on what is causing them or how to solve them as i don't actually know what the hell it is doing apart from the logic in the coding (I created the Boolean flow diagram and gave this to our IT guys who turned it into C coding). Also my wiring will not pass CE marking so we need an electronics engineer who can sort this out.


As for CAD I can do both types. I have been designing parts for injection moulds which if an electrical engineer can do is great, but I wouldn't expect them to do it.


What I don't get is why my manager can't see where I am coming from when I say that it isn't my field, you will need someone else to do it. My manager is not an engineer (he is a sales person) so when he wasn't able to find a product to meet the brief he was given he set out to find someone that could design it. After various avenues eventually I was employed to do the project (its primarily a design project needing someone who understands fluid mechanics). I told him that electronics are not something I have studied so that this is something he would have to get someone else to do (exactly what he originally did). 18 months later and nothing has been done about it. They just expect me to do it.

#834 xrocketengineer


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 06:50 PM

I understand your predicament. You are working in a commercial environment where resources and deadlines are most critical. I worked in developmental environment with a lot of resources (and funding at the beginning) where the emphasis was on trying to get things right at the expense of efficiency. Somewhere along the line, efficiency and deadlines became the priority. That is when we had the accidents. I was just telling my story. I am sorry if that seemed that I was trying to influence you in any way.

As far as a boss that is out of touch, the last few years that I worked (2008), I spent most of the time updating spreadsheets every two weeks, estimating the hours that would be spent by my employees working on tasks on a future space program in the year 2020 . The program was eventually cancelled. But that was the priority to work on from above.

I wish you well in your endeavours and that hopefully you will get some relief to your situation.

#835 M J W J


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Posted 04 July 2014 - 09:17 PM

xrocketengineer. I wasn't having a go at you and I don't feel as though you were trying to influence me. Its just I've heard similar replies to yours from other people. That's fine it people want to do electronics as well as mechanics but I don't and is why I choose to become a mechanical engineer.


As an engineer you will obviously understand the difference between the disciplines. The problem is when dealing with non engineers who just see engineering as one subject, not as the separate disciplines it is. I'm actually employed as a design engineer although they knew full well when they took me on that I was a mechanical engineer.


A lot of people don't seam to understand the difference between a mechanics and a mechanical engineer so it annoys me when people say "Why did you bother going to university to learn that. You could have worked at a garage and learnt it.". No I couldn't

#836 Miniminx71


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 12:28 AM

Went to pick up the Mini today from local mechanic. As we were outside with the car talking about bits and pieces that had been done, another punter turns up. He gets out of his car and walks over. My mechanic said hello and he was just finishing off some bits (putting the arch back on) and wouldn't be long. Guy said, that's ok, I'll wait. And then just stood right next to us, arms folded listening to everything. Wasn't too bothered but he then started making stupid comments about Minis being rust-buckets, he wouldn't have one if you paid him etc etc and just being a right arse. Kept making silly comments about everything. We were totally ignoring him but he chuntered on like some massive expert on everything. I needed to book the car in for some work in the autumn so went with my mechanic guy back into the garage AND THE BLOODY GUY FOLLOWED RIGHT BEHIND!!! Again, stood in the middle of us just being totally invasive!! I started to talk about quotes and then thought, no, I'm going to get this guy to sod off so I said "actually, do you mind giving us a moment mate?" and he went "It's ok. Don't mind me. This is interesting". In the end, my mechanic told him to wait by his car and he'd be out in a few mins but the guy said he was pressed for time so would wait here "if that's ok"!!!  Flippin' cheek!!! I said, no, it's not ok. It was none of his business and he was just being a bit ignorant actually. Him hanging around was NOT GOING TO MAKE ME HURRY UP. My mechanic told him to go away and wait. He wandered off but went back to nosing round my car; getting way to close to it, leaning his hands on the roof and poking his head inside and everything - all to get me to hurry up. Dragged the conversation out for another 15  minutes just to annoy him. Told him his Midget looked like a pile of rotten s**te as I got back in my car, because it so was! More brown than orange. He replied that he thought I was rude! Me?? Hate it when people try to get you to hurry up. Nothing worse than personal space invaders. Right rant over ..

Edited by Miniminx71, 06 July 2014 - 12:30 AM.

#837 The Matt

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Posted 06 July 2014 - 07:02 AM

I found myself in a similar predicament when I used to be a design engineer in the aerospace industry. I'd been chosen head up a project, but we had such a small design team that I'd either have to sub-contract design work out, or do it myself.

I'm a mechanical engineer, but the commercial situation resulted in me having to do the work myself instead of subbing it our. I ended up designing a complete surveillance system, mechanics, electrics and electronics as well as project managing the contracted manufacturers that did the fabrication work. Just trying to learn a bit about fibre-optic systems was enough of a mind bender!

I think there's a general feeling from bosses and managers that 'Design Engineers' can design and understand ALL aspects of a project. What should have been a simple mechanical design project became a 12-13 month job, and then having been the only designer meant I had to write the operations and maintenance manuals, train some military kids in the US how to operate the system AND manage the finances too. Actually, I didn't manage the finances too well...I got stuffed on expenses (again).

I'm glad I'm retired from it now! Facebook trolling is my new job!

#838 Ben_O


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 11:15 AM

There are so many timewasters around and many of them only waste your time because they are too timid to be honest!


I am selling a Car on behalf of my mum and we had a buyer for it who came and looked over it, took a day to think about it and then told us he would pick it up today. He turned up an hour ago with his 'mechanic' (and i use that term loosely) friend to look over it.


He asked me to open the bonnet and when i did, he just stood with his hand on his face (looked like he was sniffing the side of his finger lol) and just stared at the engine.

He didn't check anything, just looked. i offered to start it up which he said yes too and then he just continued to stare at it. He then put his finger on the Injection unit and said 'it's a carb model aint it mate?'

I just laughed and said no, injection mate and closed the bonnet.


They took it for a very brief test drive and returned and said he would come back tomorrow night as he didn't have the cash on him.


Will he return? i doubt it.


Why couldn't he just say he was no longer interested and leave it at that so we can sell it to someone who really wants it?



#839 sledgehammer


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Posted 06 July 2014 - 01:52 PM

bit of an ebay link - http://www.ebay.co.u...id=662931578825


£40,000 for an ERA with 84 miles on the clock - not saying it's dear or cheap , they are lovley


but would you have the ba!!s to put it on the road - I wouldn't


it would fit in my lounge ;o)

#840 M J W J


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Posted 08 July 2014 - 03:19 PM

You often see on takeaway places "southern fried chicken" advertised. Is there Northern fried chicken at all? If so what's it like?


Also why do you never meet anyone called Beryl who is under 65?

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