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Random Thought Of The Day

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#781 Gerbil367


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 08:59 AM

Why do roads that have 2 lanes approaching a junction/roundabout only have the direction arrows on the road itself and you dont know your in the wrong lane until the car in front moves off?

#782 Miniminx71


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:12 AM

Had the weirdest dream last night that I was in a traffic jam and then saw a side road so decided to go down it. It got narrower and narrower and my car was getting all mashed up and was being squeezed into a really thin tube but when I got out the other end I was so pleased with myself for doing it and missing the traffic even though the car was totally fubar. Then my sister was there and she said she was going to send up the Batman signal for help, but instead of the silhouette of the bat, it had Betty Turpin from Coronation Street's face in it. No idea ....! 

#783 Gerbil367


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:23 AM

A psychologist may tell you that you have size issues! haha! Betty Turpin - Matriarchal wishes?  Answers on a postcard

#784 Miniminx71


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:34 AM

Or it may have just been the big packet of cheese Doritos I ate ...

#785 xrocketengineer


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 02:07 PM

I am convinced that Facebook makes you stupid. Here is proof of it:


#786 Ben_O


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 05:27 PM

I am convinced that Facebook makes you stupid. Here is proof of it:


:ohno:  O_O  :lol:  That is all

#787 M J W J


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 08:22 PM

A psychologist may tell you that you have size issues! haha! Betty Turpin - Matriarchal wishes?  Answers on a postcard


It doesn't take a pscychologist to work that out. He has a mini. I think it was quiet evident.


On the facebook thing. I saw a screen shot of someone's facebook page where they were complaining that there were unripe lemons in the fruit bowl where they worked. Someone then had to point out that they weren't lemons. They were limes.


On to my random thought of the day. Who puts lime's in a bowl of fruit? A beer maybe but not with oranges and apples in a bowl.

#788 Ben_O


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 08:45 PM

whats the point in displaying fruit in a bowl anyway. It only goes off quicker. Just buy the damn fruit and eat it. It's food not decorations!


I know a few people who buy fruit for their fruit bowl's and don't even like half the stuff. It just sits there, gets dusty then rotten and smelly and then goes in the bin.


The same goes for scatter cushions. So many of us have piles of cushions on the bed for display purposes during the day when we are usually out and they can't be seen anyway. So much time must be wasted removing them from the bed at night to go to bed and then wake in the morning only to put them all back on the bed neatly.


I don't make a big thing of even making our bed in the morning. What's the point? We are the only ones who go in there and we only do at night where we want to use the bloody thing anyway thus making it messy again.



#789 M J W J


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:04 PM

The same goes for scatter cushions. So many of us have piles of cushions on the bed for display purposes during the day when we are usually out and they can't be seen anyway. So much time must be wasted removing them from the bed at night to go to bed and then wake in the morning only to put them all back on the bed neatly.


I don't make a big thing of even making our bed in the morning. What's the point? We are the only ones who go in there and we only do at night where we want to use the bloody thing anyway thus making it messy again.


I completely agree with you on this.


We have cushions on the sofas in my living room. Everyone sits down and then moves the cushion out from behind them. They end up getting piled up on one seat so the last person has to move them all onto the floor so they can sit down.

#790 Ben_O


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 09:56 PM


The same goes for scatter cushions. So many of us have piles of cushions on the bed for display purposes during the day when we are usually out and they can't be seen anyway. So much time must be wasted removing them from the bed at night to go to bed and then wake in the morning only to put them all back on the bed neatly.


I don't make a big thing of even making our bed in the morning. What's the point? We are the only ones who go in there and we only do at night where we want to use the bloody thing anyway thus making it messy again.


I completely agree with you on this.


We have cushions on the sofas in my living room. Everyone sits down and then moves the cushion out from behind them. They end up getting piled up on one seat so the last person has to move them all onto the floor so they can sit down.





We are house sitting for my mum at the moment while she is on holiday and she has 6 cushions on her sofa. Every time people get up from the chair, she goes along behind straightening them up. Needless to say, once she left for Bulgaria, i took them all off and stacked them on the armchair out the way.

My Girlfriend occasionally likes to have one on her lap but that about it.


Mum has all these niggly habits like when you close the curtains, they have to be done in a certain way and if it's not right she has to adjust them.


I'm looking at them now and there not closed properly. I don't care...


#791 sledgehammer


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 10:06 PM



The same goes for scatter cushions. So many of us have piles of cushions on the bed for display purposes during the day when we are usually out and they can't be seen anyway. So much time must be wasted removing them from the bed at night to go to bed and then wake in the morning only to put them all back on the bed neatly.


I don't make a big thing of even making our bed in the morning. What's the point? We are the only ones who go in there and we only do at night where we want to use the bloody thing anyway thus making it messy again.


I completely agree with you on this.


We have cushions on the sofas in my living room. Everyone sits down and then moves the cushion out from behind them. They end up getting piled up on one seat so the last person has to move them all onto the floor so they can sit down.





We are house sitting for my mum at the moment while she is on holiday and she has 6 cushions on her sofa. Every time people get up from the chair, she goes along behind straightening them up. Needless to say, once she left for Bulgaria, i took them all off and stacked them on the armchair out the way.

My Girlfriend occasionally likes to have one on her lap but that about it.


Mum has all these niggly habits like when you close the curtains, they have to be done in a certain way and if it's not right she has to adjust them.


I'm looking at them now and there not closed properly. I don't care...




Rebel  ;o)

#792 Ben_O


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 10:20 PM




The same goes for scatter cushions. So many of us have piles of cushions on the bed for display purposes during the day when we are usually out and they can't be seen anyway. So much time must be wasted removing them from the bed at night to go to bed and then wake in the morning only to put them all back on the bed neatly.


I don't make a big thing of even making our bed in the morning. What's the point? We are the only ones who go in there and we only do at night where we want to use the bloody thing anyway thus making it messy again.


I completely agree with you on this.


We have cushions on the sofas in my living room. Everyone sits down and then moves the cushion out from behind them. They end up getting piled up on one seat so the last person has to move them all onto the floor so they can sit down.





We are house sitting for my mum at the moment while she is on holiday and she has 6 cushions on her sofa. Every time people get up from the chair, she goes along behind straightening them up. Needless to say, once she left for Bulgaria, i took them all off and stacked them on the armchair out the way.

My Girlfriend occasionally likes to have one on her lap but that about it.


Mum has all these niggly habits like when you close the curtains, they have to be done in a certain way and if it's not right she has to adjust them.


I'm looking at them now and there not closed properly. I don't care...




Rebel  ;o)


Indeed! I might not even re-centre the rug in the living room tonight.

#793 M J W J


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 10:45 PM

I invited a mate to a party I am going to in a few weeks time (its ok, host told me to invite him). My mate has said he will come but unfortunately in the last couple of weeks has been diagnosed with Celiac Disease which means he now can't have gluten so is a little worried about what he can eat.


The worst thing is that he can't drink beer anymore (I told him I'd bring a rope, small stool and find him a tree next time I see him)


I has just occurred to me. Surely he can drink Coors or Budwiser, right? I mean they are close enough to water that it won't effect him, right?


Its not all doom and gloom for him though. He can still get hammered on cider and vodka and can still drink monster energy drinks which is a good thing for him as his rate of consumption of monster energy drinks rivals my consumption of tea. Also it does mean I don't owe him a pint anymore and there will be more beer for me at the party as I won't have to share it with him, so every cloud and whatnot  :D.

#794 JacckKirk


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Posted 26 June 2014 - 11:48 PM

Cows kill more people a year than sharks. That is all

#795 xrocketengineer


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Posted 27 June 2014 - 12:13 AM

Cows kill more people a year than sharks. That is all

Hey, sharks are getting smarter over here. They have moved to ponds in parks!


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