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#631 M J W J


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 05:49 PM


At what point did the Queen decide she owned every swan? Did she just wake up one day and declare " I now own all the swans"?


In F1 is there any rule that states the driver has to be human or actually sit in the car? If not then why not make a robot or make the F1 car radio controlled. You would be able to make it go faster and corner harder as the human in it would not be subjected to high G force that would normally make them pass out. You may also be able to get an aerodynamic advantage by not having the cockpit open with a helmet sticking out. 


who stands on the podium - when it win's


the guy with the radio control ?



Pretty much... or the robot itself if it can. You wouldn't win the driver's championship but the team could still win the manufacturer's trophy. We could add another one, The Controller's Championship.


I'd rather see an autonomous robot driving rather than it becoming radio controlled but either way its got to go some way to making F1 remotely interesting and watchable.

#632 Stiggytoo


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 06:37 PM



At what point did the Queen decide she owned every swan? Did she just wake up one day and declare " I now own all the swans"?


In F1 is there any rule that states the driver has to be human or actually sit in the car? If not then why not make a robot or make the F1 car radio controlled. You would be able to make it go faster and corner harder as the human in it would not be subjected to high G force that would normally make them pass out. You may also be able to get an aerodynamic advantage by not having the cockpit open with a helmet sticking out. 


who stands on the podium - when it win's


the guy with the radio control ?



Pretty much... or the robot itself if it can. You wouldn't win the driver's championship but the team could still win the manufacturer's trophy. We could add another one, The Controller's Championship.


I'd rather see an autonomous robot driving rather than it becoming radio controlled but either way its got to go some way to making F1 remotely interesting and watchable.


Yes yes, that's all good and everything - but what measures would be taken to ensure Greenpeace activists don't parachute down to the grandstands and hand pointless banners?!  

Edited by Stiggytoo, 10 April 2014 - 06:37 PM.

#633 M J W J


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Posted 10 April 2014 - 07:43 PM




At what point did the Queen decide she owned every swan? Did she just wake up one day and declare " I now own all the swans"?


In F1 is there any rule that states the driver has to be human or actually sit in the car? If not then why not make a robot or make the F1 car radio controlled. You would be able to make it go faster and corner harder as the human in it would not be subjected to high G force that would normally make them pass out. You may also be able to get an aerodynamic advantage by not having the cockpit open with a helmet sticking out. 


who stands on the podium - when it win's


the guy with the radio control ?



Pretty much... or the robot itself if it can. You wouldn't win the driver's championship but the team could still win the manufacturer's trophy. We could add another one, The Controller's Championship.


I'd rather see an autonomous robot driving rather than it becoming radio controlled but either way its got to go some way to making F1 remotely interesting and watchable.


Yes yes, that's all good and everything - but what measures would be taken to ensure Greenpeace activists don't parachute down to the grandstands and hand pointless banners?!  


Artillery mounted to the F1 cars so as they drive past they can shoot at them?


This is turning more and more into death race.


Did the activist thing happen or something? I haven't watched F1 for years. The WRC and BTCC were on and looked more interesting.

#634 Kieranlee999


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:21 PM

do jockeys bet on there own horses or do they bet on other horses in the same race? 

#635 Stiggytoo


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Posted 14 April 2014 - 09:24 PM





At what point did the Queen decide she owned every swan? Did she just wake up one day and declare " I now own all the swans"?


In F1 is there any rule that states the driver has to be human or actually sit in the car? If not then why not make a robot or make the F1 car radio controlled. You would be able to make it go faster and corner harder as the human in it would not be subjected to high G force that would normally make them pass out. You may also be able to get an aerodynamic advantage by not having the cockpit open with a helmet sticking out. 


who stands on the podium - when it win's


the guy with the radio control ?



Pretty much... or the robot itself if it can. You wouldn't win the driver's championship but the team could still win the manufacturer's trophy. We could add another one, The Controller's Championship.


I'd rather see an autonomous robot driving rather than it becoming radio controlled but either way its got to go some way to making F1 remotely interesting and watchable.


Yes yes, that's all good and everything - but what measures would be taken to ensure Greenpeace activists don't parachute down to the grandstands and hand pointless banners?!  


Artillery mounted to the F1 cars so as they drive past they can shoot at them?


This is turning more and more into death race.


Did the activist thing happen or something? I haven't watched F1 for years. The WRC and BTCC were on and looked more interesting.


Yeah, Spa last year I think. They parachuted down before the race and milled around on top of a grandstand. They then unrolled a huge banner but I can't remember what it was about. I think the cameras deliberately avoided giving them any publicity. Then they were arrested.

#636 M J W J


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:46 AM

Yeah, Spa last year I think. They parachuted down before the race and milled around on top of a grandstand. They then unrolled a huge banner but I can't remember what it was about. I think the cameras deliberately avoided giving them any publicity. Then they were arrested.


Greenpeace Logic: Lets use a a plane that needs a load of fuel to fly high enough to parachute down onto an F1 course and complain about the race cars using fuel.



#637 Gerbil367


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 10:25 AM

Why does my wife park her Freelander up against the garage doors so that I cant get the Mini out on a good day?

#638 M J W J


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Posted 15 April 2014 - 11:38 AM

Why does my wife park her Freelander up against the garage doors so that I cant get the Mini out on a good day?


My parents do this. They park so close to the doors that they can't open it. They have smaller cars than I do (I own a vectra) yet I can still fit mine on the drive and be far enough from the door so it can open.


How can I wire (if at all possible) a battery drill trigger switch so it acts like a potentiometer? Seriously if anyone knows this PM me. Google has not been much help.

#639 M J W J


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Posted 16 April 2014 - 12:10 PM

Why is it that a rabbit supposedly delivers our easter eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.


As we had a fire alarm go off this morning at the university where I am working, why is there fire assembly point at the entrance to the carpark? That's right. Make all the people who are fortunate to escape the fire stand right where cars are turning in the carpark and likely to run them over.

#640 M J W J


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Posted 20 April 2014 - 08:10 PM

What would happen if you shot yourself with a portal gun?


Before anyone else quotes Cave Johnson, yes I know it doesn't work on all skin types. (if you have played portal 2 you will get this reference).

#641 M J W J


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Posted 22 April 2014 - 06:52 PM

Every time my friends and I go out for a drink it has become a running joke that after the first couple of pints we resort to ordering girly cocktails in every pub. Saturday just gone my mate Whit ordered us a round of tequila sunrises in one pub and at every pub we were at we kept trying to get a mojito and/or vodka martini.


I live in a very rural area where most of the time the people behind the pub have no clue how to mix any drink and where every guy orders a pint of larger or cider and women order a glass of wine.


Its just occurred to me. The icing on the cake for our running joke would be to find a girl, the girlier the better (shy, short, bow in their hair, in a short dress, etc, you get the idea) who will spend the night following us round and at every bar orders a pint of Guinness (and not with black current mixed in).


Now where I can find a woman like that...

Edited by M J W J, 22 April 2014 - 08:10 PM.

#642 M J W J


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 01:25 PM

If gingers don't have souls, how come Ichigo in Bleach becomes a shinigami?


(people who have watched the anime Bleach will get this)

#643 sledgehammer


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 04:04 PM

If gingers don't have souls, how come Ichigo in Bleach becomes a shinigami?


(people who have watched the anime Bleach will get this)


Ehh ???


bet it's Japanese & pixelated  ;o)

#644 Ben_O


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 04:52 PM

Finally! a chance to have a rant. I have never seen this thread before.


There is a road near my mum's which although narrow is easily wide enough for two Vans. So why do people come steaming up the road towards me in the middle of the road in tiny cars and expect me to pull in and let them past? Why o Why? It happens every single time i use that road especially 4x4's


Also i don't understand why people don't know how to use filter lanes on one way systems! The idea is you keep moving in the lane you are in whilst indicating and then 'slip' into the lane they want. 

So why do people just stop in the middle of the lane with their indicator on waiting to be let in whilst holding up all the other traffic?



#645 mini93


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Posted 25 April 2014 - 05:04 PM

Also i don't understand why people don't know how to use filter lanes on one way systems! The idea is you keep moving in the lane you are in whilst indicating and then 'slip' into the lane they want. 

So why do people just stop in the middle of the lane with their indicator on waiting to be let in whilst holding up all the other traffic?




I had this tonight after work too!

Seems a lot of people from the industrial estate dont know how a slip road works so sit at the top of it as if it were a regular junction.

Tonight, whilst filtering down the slip lane, indicating over, no b*stard wanted to let me out, obviouly un-educated in the function of a slip road or filtering. Me getting close to the end of the slip road I end up accelerating hard in order to nip into a space thats there, needless to say the retard behind me got all angsty at me (err... missy, if you were courtious it wouldnt be an issue) and then to top it all off, some elderly couple come driving up past me in the out side lane honking their horn (all distractingly of course) and mouthing stuff at me... 1st off I cant hear you, 2nd you werent even behind me, 3rd you evidently dont know the function of the slip road, 4th roads arent like they were when you were younger, they are crowded, if you cant cope, dont drive. just dont get shirty at me!



2nd rant from me...

Silver car... why o why are they so popular?  and something im coming to realise, you cant even see them particualy well in motorway road spray...

Yet another reason not to own a bland old silver box

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