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#571 M J W J


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 10:19 AM

Why do people slow to 10 sometimes 20mph slower then the speed limit when they go past a speed camera? It annoys me so much!


Because the government are robbing b******s and people don't want to loose their licence so they do it to make sure.


A limit has to be set and you can't keep letting people off for being a few miles over however I still recon it is much safer to be doing 31mph in a 30 zone and pay attention to the road than doing exactly 30 mph and constantly having to check your speedometer. On my way to work I find myself spending a lot of the time checking my speedo rather than the road which often has school kids crossing it to get to their bus stops. If I was to speed on my way to work I could rack up 12 points for speeding alone before I reached the half way point. At one point I could do it in under a mile.


Anyone who drives through Wetley Rocks on the A520 will know what I mean. You can quite clearly see that the speed cameras have been positioned to catch people out. They are hidden round blind corners and obscured by signs.

#572 Grimshaw17


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 05:54 PM


Why do people slow to 10 sometimes 20mph slower then the speed limit when they go past a speed camera? It annoys me so much!


Because the government are robbing b******s and people don't want to loose their licence so they do it to make sure.


A limit has to be set and you can't keep letting people off for being a few miles over however I still recon it is much safer to be doing 31mph in a 30 zone and pay attention to the road than doing exactly 30 mph and constantly having to check your speedometer. On my way to work I find myself spending a lot of the time checking my speedo rather than the road which often has school kids crossing it to get to their bus stops. If I was to speed on my way to work I could rack up 12 points for speeding alone before I reached the half way point. At one point I could do it in under a mile.


Anyone who drives through Wetley Rocks on the A520 will know what I mean. You can quite clearly see that the speed cameras have been positioned to catch people out. They are hidden round blind corners and obscured by signs.


Same on one of my frequent trips, I just stick to the speed limit and go through them at the speed limit, it just annoys me when you have someone speeding up then slamming on their brakes at every yellow box. 

#573 M J W J


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Posted 07 February 2014 - 07:05 PM

Same on one of my frequent trips, I just stick to the speed limit and go through them at the speed limit, it just annoys me when you have someone speeding up then slamming on their brakes at every yellow box. 


If the speed limit keeps changing then maybe they forgot what it should be and are slowing down to be safe (not really as it may cause someone to rear end them). Its not really an excuse but I can understand why people do it. Even I have slowed down thinking it was a 30 zone when it was a 50 zone.


The A520 from Meir to Leek goes 30 to 60 to 30 to 50 to 30 to 50 to 30 to 40 to 30.  This is in about 10 miles so you have to keep on your toes to remember what speed you are supposed to be doing and when its dark and raining the repeater signs are the most obvious.


Speed cameras do work and do slow traffic down making areas safer but sometimes they are a bit OTT and you can tell they have been placed just to make money. Staffordshire seams to be the worst for this. There is one very close to the entrance to the hospital, just over the brow of a hill so not only does it catch anyone trying to get to the A and E department a bit quicker but also anyone who isn't on their brakes as soon as they are going down hill.

#574 WiNgNuTz


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Posted 08 February 2014 - 09:38 PM

How about this one then.....does a spider scream when it sees a big hairy human in the bath? :lol:

#575 M J W J


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Posted 09 February 2014 - 11:06 AM

How about this one then.....does a spider scream when it sees a big hairy human in the bath? :lol:


You can just imagine Howard off the Big Bang Theory saying "if it's my mum, yes."


What percentage of the world is held together with duct tape and cable ties?

#576 M J W J


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 11:22 PM

After having to pull my sister's, boyfriend's, dad's car out of a ditch tonight after he was forced over into it by a Muller Milk tanker;


Why are towing eyes always left hand threaded?


Also why make an SUV fwd only? Doesn't that kind of defeat the point and stop it from going off road (the car that got stuck was a Vauxhall Antara)?

#577 Grimshaw17


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Posted 12 February 2014 - 11:27 PM

When cutting cheese, when does a slice become a wedge?

#578 M J W J


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 10:37 AM

Why are towing eyes always left hand threaded?


I've learnt the answer to my own question.


Apparently Ropes are usually twisted clockwise. As you tension them they try to unravel so by fitting a towing eye with a left hand thread it doesn't attempt to unscrew when you pull on it. I found a tow rope that says on it "DO NOT USE ON RIGHT HAND TOWING EYE". This kind of supports the theory.

#579 MrJamJar


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 05:50 PM

Why do i spend more time reading through the topics in the Off-Topic Banter section of this forum, than any other?

#580 sledgehammer


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Posted 14 February 2014 - 06:13 PM


Why are towing eyes always left hand threaded?


I've learnt the answer to my own question.


Apparently Ropes are usually twisted clockwise. As you tension them they try to unravel so by fitting a towing eye with a left hand thread it doesn't attempt to unscrew when you pull on it. I found a tow rope that says on it "DO NOT USE ON RIGHT HAND TOWING EYE". This kind of supports the theory.



never knew that


I can see why now you point it out

#581 M J W J


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Posted 17 February 2014 - 12:21 PM

In my search for something for work I have an answer to the old age question: What happens if you pour super glue into a no stick pan?


None stick pans are coated in teflon and the link below would appear to have the answer.



#582 M J W J


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 12:25 PM

Why are the options to eject and format on the drop down menu, when you right click on a memory stick, right next to each other on Windows? Surely that is an accident waiting to happen?


Why does windows insist on updating when you shut it down? Its 5 pm and I want to go home. Can't you install your updates next time I switch you on?


This is why I prefer my Macbook. It installs updates when it boots up, it doesn't require restarting for updates to work and the procedure to format a drive is well away from the method of ejecting it.

#583 zinzan


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Posted 21 February 2014 - 02:00 PM

Canadian reference: Tim Horton's coffee shops with drive-thru windows in my part of the country have started double-laning their drive-thrus.  Except there's still only one window, so it's not actually much faster at all.  Each one has a sign that reads "PLEASE SELECT THE SHORTEST LANE" (two lanes curving to the left)  Isn't the left-most lane always going to be the shortest one in this case?  I asked the manager if they meant "shortest LINE".  She looked quite puzzled and closed the drive-thru window on me!

#584 M J W J


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 07:41 PM

Is it just me or does sugar free red bull kind of defeat the point of an energy drink?

#585 ShaunaFTW


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Posted 24 February 2014 - 07:45 PM

I wonder if 400g of wool is longer than a mile..

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