I was about to ask why aren't Rorschach test cards in colour but while googling it to find the spelling I discovered that a proper set of Rorschach test cards do include colour on cards, 2,3,8,9 and 10.
If a psychiatrist showed me a Rorschach test and asks 'what do you see?', I've always wanted to give the answer, " a pattern created by putting ink on a piece of paper and folding it in half". When they showed me the next one I would give the same answer and on the third I would say, "a pattern created by putting ink of a piece of paper and folding it in half, possibly from left to right, not right to left like I think the previous ones were done. At the fourth card (assuming I managed to get this far, I have a feeling they would probably stop) my answer would be "Rorschach test card" and if I ever managed to get to the last one no matter what it looks like ' awwwhhh. A butterfly.'
Its fun being being difficult.
Edited by M J W J, 20 January 2014 - 10:26 PM.