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#526 M J W J


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Posted 09 January 2014 - 08:52 PM

I know what you mean and feel the exact same. I took my gran to hospital few months ago with pancreatitis, she was in agony. There is no A&E car park so  had to park miles away in the normal car park and further more pay for hours upon end. Last thing you worry about when you have a relative in agony is if have enough change (my hospital doesn't give change nor take notes) for the car park machine, let alone enough for all the hours I was there. My biggest fear is for example a pregnant woman driven to hospital by her partner, trying to get her to the ward to have a baby. What do you do? "Sorry love, I need to go and park the car, pay £2.50 (that's if you pop the baba out in the next hour)...then I'll come back and sort you" Further more, that's if you are lucky to find a place, most times I go to the hospital 9/10 times I have had to drive round and round because majority of the car park is full of staff and in the end abandoned my car near a hedge on a patch of grass because if I don't I get threatened to be struck off the waiting list for not turning up to appointments.


If the fact I didn't have to go straight to work afterwards I was almost tempted to take my Gran. She has a disabled blue badge after she broke her hip and can now only walk a few metres without a stick.


Saying that though every time I have to take her to the hospital for a check up the disabled spaces are always full. It results in me having to drop her off at the entrance and go and park in the normal car park. At least at stafford hospital you get a token which you have to pay on the way out. With my Gran I take her blue badge and the yellow token to a certain place, then fill in a load of paper work to prove that I am related to her and have driven her to the hospital, after which they give me a blue token which lifts the barriers so I can leave without paying.


Shrewsbury isn't too bad as at least they charge you on the way out so you only pay for the time you were there.


I used to keep finding ways around the parking charges but they have all slowly disappeared as the parking company has wised up to them. They put double yellow lines around on the roads that lead up to the hospital, the nursery just round the corner now has a pay and display machine on it and the machine was changed to one of those that requires to put your registration it. I often used to sell the rest of my ticket to someone for £1 to recoup some of the cost as it usually had enough for them to go there appointment too. Either that or if I was lucky someone would sell me theirs.

#527 thespikeyone


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Posted 09 January 2014 - 10:14 PM

why did the box of engine, airbox and water pump protectors for my off road bike turn up with fragile stckers all over it?


if they cant survive royal mail they aint gonna offer much protection  O_O

#528 sledgehammer


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 02:21 PM

we regularly have 1/4 inch plate , turn up at work with 'fragile' tape all over it


it's on a pallet & weigh's approx 1/4 ton - fragile it ain't -  


but maybe the tape is ?

#529 MrBounce


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Posted 10 January 2014 - 05:51 PM

Maybe it's because they don't have any "Super tough - you ain't gonna break this" tape?

#530 M J W J


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 02:16 PM

Why whenever I go to log onto my emails are there adverts around the side for single Thai girls in my area?


Someone told me that those adverts appear because of your search history but a: I've never searched for single Thai girls in my area, b: my laptop automatically clears its history every 48 hours, c: they appear when I use the internet on my phone from which I again have never searched for single Thai girls in my area, d: they even appear on my works laptop which is only used for works purposes (which is not trying to find single Thai girls in my area).


If it was true that those adverts advertising things were related to my search history I would expect a lot of adverts for car parts, radio controlled planes and parts and at the minuet 3d printing filament, none of which I have had adverts for.

#531 Will16


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 06:24 PM

Does anyone else dumb down their sentence when speaking to someone who you know won't understand otherwise?

#532 SecretSugar



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Posted 13 January 2014 - 08:16 PM

Does anyone else dumb down their sentence when speaking to someone who you know won't understand otherwise?

I did that only this morning, and still they didn't understand!

#533 cooperlooper


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 07:42 AM

Standing on the shoreline, how far is it to the horizon? Some say22 miles any offers? ?

#534 M J W J


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 10:41 AM

Standing on the shoreline, how far is it to the horizon? Some say22 miles any offers? ?



Surely this depends on how tall you are as it will affect the angle to the horizontal that you line of sight is at.

#535 M J W J


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 11:56 AM

How come whenever I am put on hold on a phone no matter who I ring I always get Peter and the Wolf playing as the hold music? The only exception is if I have to ring green flag and then I get 'come on and rescue me'. Talk about rubbing it in a bit.

#536 cooperlooper


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 11:56 AM

Standing on the shoreline, how far is it to the horizon? Some say22 miles any offers? ?

Surely this depends on how tall you are as it will affect the angle to the horizontal that you line of sight is at.
Thats a technicality !

#537 M J W J


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 01:35 PM



Standing on the shoreline, how far is it to the horizon? Some say22 miles any offers? ?

Surely this depends on how tall you are as it will affect the angle to the horizontal that you line of sight is at.
Thats a technicality !



I'm have a degree in Engineering not an arts Major. What did you expect?

#538 cooperlooper


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 07:34 PM

Standing on the shoreline, how far is it to the horizon? Some say22 miles any offers? ?

Surely this depends on how tall you are as it will affect the angle to the horizontal that you line of sight is at.
Thats a technicality !
I'm have a degree in Engineering not an arts M

ajor. What did you expect?
What about grammer?

#539 cooperlooper


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 07:53 PM

Found the answer :)

#540 Spud_133


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 08:59 PM

And it is....?

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