How come you have to be 18 to buy scissors yet there is no age restriction on tin snips?
Last time I checked tin snips were a damm sight stronger and before anyone says its because they aren't as sharp, they are. I use mine all the time as scissors when cutting out templates to transfer to sheet steel.
As I understand it the age restriction on the sale of bladed instruments should apply to tin snips, as it exists to prevent all bladed instruments being used/carried as offensive weapons by minors under the offensive weapons act 1996:
It is an offence to sell to a person Under the Age of 18:
• Any knife, knife blade or razor
(apart from replacement cartridges for safety razors)
• Any axe
• Any other article which has a blade or is sharply pointed
and which is made or adapted for use for causing injury to
the person.
Why Is there no age restriction on buying grinders then??
They're lethal
Exactly yet you have to be 16 to buy an aerosol can.
Have you ever tried carrying/concealing a grinder as an offensive weapon? It's really not that practical, but not half as impractical as carrying the generator you need to power it in the street!! ("Step any closer and I'll grind ya ass!!.... just give me a minute to plug it in and fire up me genny though!!"
The sale of aerosol paint is restricted to over 16's is nothing to do with safety, or offensive weapons, it's to prevent them being used for graffiti/vandalism by minors under the Anti Social behaviour act 2003. The sale of aerosols containing solvents is actually restricted to over 18's though, again this has nothing to do with safety or offensive weapons, it's in order to reduce solvent abuse amongst under 18's under the Intoxicating Substances Supply Act 1985.