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Random Thought Of The Day

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#466 ShaunaFTW


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 07:59 PM




If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

Thanks for letting me know! Sadly I can't grow a beard :(.



Yes you can but you will need special tablets/injections for that.


Also I'm slightly worried about the unhappy face in your post  :errr:



Everyone loves a good beard! I'm not sure if I would have one if I was a boy, people say I don't look my age so I think I would just to look manly and older haha. BEARD BACON AND OTHER MANLY THINGZZZZZ! 

#467 mini93


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 07:59 PM



If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

Thanks for letting me know! Sadly I can't grow a beard :(.


Earlier this month I decided to grow my beard and let my hair grow. Currently I have around 1cm of beard... I dont think my head hair has gained this much yet.

#468 ShaunaFTW


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 08:01 PM




If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

Thanks for letting me know! Sadly I can't grow a beard :(.


Earlier this month I decided to grow my beard and let my hair grow. Currently I have around 1cm of beard... I dont think my head hair has gained this much yet.


It's so weird! I would have thought hair grew at the same speed, unless your bald and have no hair just a beard haha.

#469 1984mini25


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 10:04 PM





If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

Thanks for letting me know! Sadly I can't grow a beard :(.



Yes you can but you will need special tablets/injections for that.


Also I'm slightly worried about the unhappy face in your post  :errr:



Everyone loves a good beard! I'm not sure if I would have one if I was a boy, people say I don't look my age so I think I would just to look manly and older haha. BEARD BACON AND OTHER MANLY THINGZZZZZ! 


I rather annoying look at least 10 years younger than I am, plus I can lose a good 5 years off that just by having a shave.

#470 M J W J


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 05:49 PM

Why is the device to carry disabled people down the stairs in the event of a fire, at the bottom of the stairs in Wolverhampton University's SC building?

#471 sledgehammer


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 06:55 PM

Why is the device to carry disabled people down the stairs in the event of a fire, at the bottom of the stairs in Wolverhampton University's SC building?

It's a used one - the new ones have it at the top ;o)



Why if I want a welding tack to break - it takes a sledgehammer to break it


If I want it to hold - it falls apart with no effort ?

#472 Will16


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:03 PM

Here's a thought I regularly have-

Do you ever wonder what would of happened if you did something else, instead of what you did?

Like, for example- I had a near miss on my bike today, I wondered what would of happened if I hadn't pulled my brake and swerved. What scene would of developed?

#473 Kieranlee999


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 10:04 PM

Here's a thought I regularly have-

Do you ever wonder what would of happened if you did something else, instead of what you did?

Like, for example- I had a near miss on my bike today, I wondered what would of happened if I hadn't pulled my brake and swerved. What scene would of developed?

well you wouldnt be on tmf at a guess you would be in hospital... :) 

#474 Spud_133


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Posted 18 December 2013 - 11:39 PM

Why is it called the high seas, when we use sea level at the bottom most measure for height? Those seas which are, must be really high!

#475 M J W J


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 10:11 AM

Why is it called the high seas, when we use sea level at the bottom most measure for height? Those seas which are, must be really high!


I thought high seas refered to rough weather. Out in the southern ocean you can get waves that are a mile high in bad weather as there is no land mass to stop them.

#476 Gerbil367


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:46 PM

Talking of being a mile high - why is it called the mile high club?? A mile is only 5280 feet (ish) and you arent allowed out of your seat then! Are people doing the naughty in their seats???

#477 M J W J


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Posted 19 December 2013 - 02:58 PM

A mate at work and I were once joking that if you wanted a plane to yourself you could just buy every seat on a ryan air flight. It would probably be cheaper than renting a private jet.

#478 M J W J


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Posted 22 December 2013 - 11:47 PM

Why does electrical tape stick to itself but nothing else?


Why does spray paint cover everything apart from the thing you are trying to paint even if you mask everything else up?

#479 Grimshaw17


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 12:17 PM

Why do I feel weaker now I go to the gym?  :lol:

#480 M J W J


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Posted 23 December 2013 - 11:33 PM

Why do I feel weaker now I go to the gym?  :lol:


because your muscles are using their glycogen supply so have no energy afterwards to use when then need it.

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