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Random Thought Of The Day

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#451 Grimshaw17


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:32 PM


Who's is this zippo that was in the seat of the mini? I have asked everyone I can think of and all though they have all lost their zippos, its not the same. :ermm:

its mine if its a proper one ;) i need a new one lol 


Now I have two proper ones and no fluid XD

#452 Kieranlee999


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Posted 12 December 2013 - 09:33 PM



Who's is this zippo that was in the seat of the mini? I have asked everyone I can think of and all though they have all lost their zippos, its not the same. :ermm:

its mine if its a proper one ;) i need a new one lol 


Now I have two proper ones and no fluid XD


i have no proper ones but theyre good for scout camps zippos so i need one lol :D

#453 Gremlin


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 05:13 PM

If the spark can jump to your hand through the HT lead cap, why can't it jump through plier handle insulation

#454 ShaunaFTW


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:17 PM

If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

#455 M J W J


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Posted 13 December 2013 - 06:41 PM

After a comment I made about Christmas lingerie on Lyndsey's status (just edited that as it sounded dodgy the first time. Punctuation. Its important)


Who thought it would be a good idea to make lingerie based on a fat old guy's clothing? That must have been one hell of a meeting when they pitched that idea to management.

Edited by M J W J, 13 December 2013 - 09:17 PM.

#456 M J W J


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 12:59 PM

Why are cyclist allowed to race on public roads? I thought they had to abide by the same highway code as all other motorists do and other motorists are not allowed to race on the public highway.


Before anyone says its because they go slower, speeding and racing are two different offences on the public road. You can be racing yet not be breaking the speed limit. You will however still be committing an offence.


I say this as today a group of cyclist made it very difficult for myself and a ford focus to get past safely. It wasn't a particularly good bit of road either and  as the cyclist were not riding single file it added to the difficulty.


Roads are for getting from place to place. Not to be used for recreational purposes.

#457 1984mini25


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Posted 15 December 2013 - 11:05 PM

Talking of cyclists, how comes groups of runners also can't stick to the highway code. I had a group of them earlier in the week running along the footpath and then cross the road in front of me, but rather than stopping and crossing when the road is clear. They all decided to smugly carry on and cross the road as if it was there right of way and the road they were crossing didn't exist, even with an approaching car i.e. me in the mini.


I personally think that instead of the blame being on the car driver if you hit a pedestrian/runner etc.., if they run into the path of moving traffic at there own free will, then it's there own bloody fault if they get hit. Next time I'll try speeding up, see if it makes them run a bit quicker next time.

#458 AVV IT


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 04:04 AM

Why are cyclist allowed to race on public roads? I thought they had to abide by the same highway code as all other motorists do and other motorists are not allowed to race on the public highway. Before anyone says its because they go slower, speeding and racing are two different offences on the public road. You can be racing yet not be breaking the speed limit. You will however still be committing an offence.

Because there is a peice of legislation that allows them to i.e. Cycle Racing on Highways Regulations 1960 (amended 1980 & 1995). Obviously this does not however apply to cars.

today a group of cyclist made it very difficult for myself and a ford focus to get past safely. It wasn't a particularly good bit of road either and  as the cyclist were not riding single file it added to the difficulty. Roads are for getting from place to place. Not to be used for recreational purposes.

Rule 163 of the highwaycode states that you should give cyclists at least as much room as you would a car when overtaking, therefore if you have difficulty in passing a cyclist safely, then you probably shouldn't be attempting the overtaking manoeuvre in the first place. Also cyclists are not legally required to ride single, Rule 66 of the Highway Code requires them to not ride more than two a breast, however they should ride single file on narrow, or busy roads or when riding around bends.

Wether we like it or not, roads aren't actually just for getting from place to place, they can legally be used for recreational purposes by cyclists, horse riders, pedestrians and even other motorists in some cases (a mini run is a recreational event after all)

#459 M J W J


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Posted 16 December 2013 - 12:37 PM


Why are cyclist allowed to race on public roads? I thought they had to abide by the same highway code as all other motorists do and other motorists are not allowed to race on the public highway. Before anyone says its because they go slower, speeding and racing are two different offences on the public road. You can be racing yet not be breaking the speed limit. You will however still be committing an offence.

Because there is a peice of legislation that allows them to i.e. Cycle Racing on Highways Regulations 1960 (amended 1980 & 1995). Obviously this does not however apply to cars.

today a group of cyclist made it very difficult for myself and a ford focus to get past safely. It wasn't a particularly good bit of road either and  as the cyclist were not riding single file it added to the difficulty. Roads are for getting from place to place. Not to be used for recreational purposes.

Rule 163 of the highwaycode states that you should give cyclists at least as much room as you would a car when overtaking, therefore if you have difficulty in passing a cyclist safely, then you probably shouldn't be attempting the overtaking manoeuvre in the first place. Also cyclists are not legally required to ride single, Rule 66 of the Highway Code requires them to not ride more than two a breast, however they should ride single file on narrow, or busy roads or when riding around bends.

Wether we like it or not, roads aren't actually just for getting from place to place, they can legally be used for recreational purposes by cyclists, horse riders, pedestrians and even other motorists in some cases (a mini run is a recreational event after all)



Didn't know about the legislation. That needs to be abolished in my mind.


These cyclist were 3 abreast at one point and if they had been riding single file then I would have had no problem passing them. The focus in front of me got past them, I had to wait until we got up to the mini roundabout. What annoyed me was that they were all riding along the pavement as I got up to the rearmost one and then dropped down onto the road in front of the focus and me. A. you are not supposed to cycle along the pavement and B. you are supposed to give right of way to motorists already on the carriageway.


I thought there were rules about not making progress and holding other motorists up? If someone is using the public highway for recreational purposes then they should let people past who actually need to get somewhere.


I have no problem with cyclists (I used to be one before I learnt to drive) as long as they stick to the highway code.


back on topic of random thought of the day:


Is it wrong that when I walked through our warehouse at work earlier, I kept thinking to myself "this would be a great place to hide a meth lab". My company deals a lot with chemicals so a couple of barrels of methylamine would not look out of place. Breaking Bad, eat your heart out.

#460 MrBounce


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 11:58 AM

If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

#461 ShaunaFTW


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 01:13 PM

If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

Thanks for letting me know! Sadly I can't grow a beard :(.

#462 M J W J


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 01:35 PM

Who decided that a lathe chuck should always be on the left hand side of the machine? 

#463 MrBounce


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 02:02 PM

Who decided that a lathe chuck should always be on the left hand side of the machine? 

Someone right-handed I guess :lol:

#464 M J W J


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Posted 17 December 2013 - 06:08 PM



If a man shaves his head and beard at the same time do they both grow back at the same time?

Beard grows quicker. I know this!!! :lol:

Thanks for letting me know! Sadly I can't grow a beard :(.



Yes you can but you will need special tablets/injections for that.


Also I'm slightly worried about the unhappy face in your post  :errr:

#465 Artful Dodger

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 07:03 PM

Women with facial hair...

Mmmmmm. Naassshhhttyyyy

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